"On three," Jack began with a playful smirk on his face.

"One," Dean started.

"Two," They both said in sync.

"Thr–" They said as Vic cut them off.

"Whoa, hold on! Let me get a photo," Vic interjected as both men looked at her almost gone out.

"Really, Hughie?" Dean couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Yeah, it's the perfect photo opportunity!" Vic exclaimed as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "Say cheese!" she told them.

Jack and Dean resisted the urge to roll their eyes while Maddie still squealed in their arms.

"Put me down!" Maddie whined as she wriggled in their arms.

"No can do, Mad-Dog," Jack said amusedly. "Cheese!" he grinned at the camera at the same time that both Dean did while Maddie was caught mid-laugh. "And three," he stated before the two men through the teenager into the pool.

Maddie was quick to float back up to the water and shriek at the cold temperature inside the pool, "Oh my God, it's freezing!" she whined as she jumped up and down in the water. "That was not fair you guys, you both ganged up on me!" she complained.

Dean couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah but it was so worth it trouble," he told her feeling proud of himself. It wasn't too long until he along with Jack were both pushed into the pool by Vic and Andy.

"Okay, now I feel better that there's revenge," Maddie stated as she grinned.

"We'll protect you Mija. Don't worry," Andy told her blonde niece as she leaned her hand out to help the blonde teenager out of the pool.

Remembering the memories of that day, Maya couldn't help but smile at the memories that the photo held. Vic made sure to print the photo out for Maddie to have to remember the day. A great idea at the time. The realization hit that there would be no more memories Maddie would have like that with her lovable uncle Dean and the thought of that upset Maya as she felt her eyes tear up.

Feeling the emotions overwhelm her, Maya quickly walked out of her daughter's bedroom before she woke her up, the past week the household had all dealt with the grief in different ways. Maddie had gone back to being quiet and reserved, barely leaving her bedroom at all and both women weren't even sure if she was even sleeping more than a few hours a night. If the bags under her eyes were anything to go by at least. Not to mention that she hadn't wanted to eat. Both women were greatly concerned that this was happening and they knew that they needed to intervene soon before it got worse.

"Mornin' Maya," Andy spoke aloud which almost made Maya jump out of her skin as she walked unlit kitchen and found her best friend making coffee.

"Jesus, Andy, you scared me," Maya muttered as she rested her hand over her heart. "You couldn't sleep either?" she questioned.

"No, not much," Andy admitted as she exhaled a sigh and motioned to the coffee machine. "Want a cup?" she offered.

"Sure," Maya agreed and leaned against the kitchen counter in the middle of the kitchen. "I went to check on Mads, you know in case she tried to escape out of the window again," she said jokingly. "Found the photos of the day when we a barbeque on her bed beside her," she added.

Andy worked to make coffee and couldn't help but smile slightly, "Oh, when Jack and Dean threw her into the pool?" she questioned.

"Yeah. Good times," Maya said as she exhaled a sigh and got lost deep in her own thoughts. "It's never going to be like that again, I mean he'll never be there, for any more occasions that any of us have," she spoke her thoughts aloud.

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