A Random Highschool AU: Part Three

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As Zak was about to leave Music class, the fire alarm went off. There wasn't supposed to be a fire drill until next week! Zak noticed Tommy immediately grabbing all the music discs, and Clay trying to make him drop them. "Let go of the stupid discs, Tommy! Let's get out of the building!"
Tommy shook his head and yelled, "You're just gonna throw them into the fire like a fucking bitch!" 

George managed to pull Clay away from Tommy somehow, Zak suspected that Clay had a crush on George. The class left the building as quickly as they could, and when they got outside, they could see the fire.

The fire was in the bottom right corner of the building. The same place Darryl was. Zak went into a panic, running around trying to find Darryl. He ran into two boys from the grade below his, and they noticed he was panicking. "Are you alright? Is there something wrong?" The taller boy asked gently. Zak explained what had happened, and the taller boy explained it in a simpler way to the shorter boy, "He lost his friend, and he thinks he might be in the fire."

The shorter boy nodded, and introduced himself quickly, "I'm Toby, and this is my boyfriend Ranboo! We would be happy to help you find your friend!"  

Zak described Darryl to them, and the three looked around, but they couldn't find Darryl anywhere. Suddenly, firemen arrived. The firemen ran into the building, and they came out of the building carrying a few passed-out students. Zak spotted Darryl amongst them and ran towards him. Ranboo and Toby followed quickly behind. 

Zak shook Darryl awake, trying not to cry. Luckily, Darryl woke up quickly. "I thought I lost you!" Zak hugged Darryl tightly. Darryl hugged him back, "I would never leave you like that."

Darryl looked behind Zak, towards Ranboo and Toby. "Who are they?" Darryl asked. 
"I'm Ranboo, and this is my boyfriend Toby!" Ranboo introduced his boyfriend and himself.

Toby was looking at the two with a confused look. "Are they gay?" Toby asked, not really trying to be rude. Ranboo shook his head and looked to his left, where he spotted two boys sitting next to a passed-out boy in a colorful hoodie. "We should go help them," Zak said, he'd noticed them too.

As the four got closer, they realized the two boys were crying. The passed-out boy was breathing pretty slow, unnaturally slow. Toby and Ranboo called for an ambulance immediately, while Darryl tried to comfort the two. 

"It's alright, Ranboo is calling the hospital for your friend. He'll be okay," Darryl assured the boy to the right, who was wearing a blue-ish beanie covered in ashes. The boy looked up at Darryl and spoke, "N-nick tried CPR on him, and he's breathing again, but he isn't waking up!" 

The boy to the left, Nick, spoke in an even more upset tone, "Karl is our boyfriend, we don't want to lose him."

"You won't lose him today, I promise." Zak told them, "Do you mind if I try to wake him up?"

Nick nodded and the two stepped away, holding each other's hands while Zak shook Karl vigorously. Karl woke up within a minute, and he sat up slowly. "Alex...? Nick? Who is this guy? What happened?"

Nick and the other boy, Alex, ran over to Karl, hugging him and kissing him. "Thank you for saving my life," Karl thanked Zak, "Can we get your number? We could all get together someday!" 

Ranboo canceled the ambulance, Toby exchanged numbers with Darryl, Karl exchanged numbers with Zak, and they made a group chat for the 7 of them. 

Toby looked at Nick, Alex, and Karl, then he looked at Zak and Darryl. "So the three of them are gay, but those two aren't?" He asked, loud enough for the two to hear. Darryl's face became slightly pink, and Zak looked away. Ranboo looked at his boyfriend and replied sternly, "I don't think they like you calling them gay all the time."

"But they're so cute together, and their faces become sooo pink when I ask if they're gay! It's obvious they like each other!" Toby knew what he was doing.

Zak looked at Toby, "If I say something, will that make you stop?"


Zak took a deep breath, then spoke, "Darryl, we've known each other for such a long time now, it feels like it was ages ago when we first met on Minecraft. I've had confusing feelings for months now, but I know what they are now. I love you, Darryl, you're more than just a friend to me. You mean the whole world to me." Zak's face was pink, and Darryl's was as pink as a raspberry. 

Darryl finally spoke, "I love you too, Geppy," Darryl looked into Zak's eyes, "You're the best muffinhead in the world!" Darryl kissed Zak's cheek, causing Ranboo, Toby, Karl, Alex, and Nick to cheer and clap. Toby leaned over and whispered into Alex's ear, "They should just start calling the school 'High School For Gay Boys' shouldn't they?" 

Alex fell over laughing.

(it's an all-boys school, because I'm trying to be original lol)

~Skephalo Oneshots~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon