~Tongue Tied~

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(i can't get the clip out of my head)

Bad's eyes widened as he googled the song 'Tongue Tied'. Earlier that day, Skeppy had said the song reminded him of Bad. Of course, this made Bad curious. 

Bad opened multiple websites and videos, each of them saying something about it being a love song. Bad read the lyrics, wondering why Skeppy had said that. "Maybe he was joking to get more attention from the fanbase," Bad thought, "He's a straight muffin, right?"

Bad opened Spotify and saw the song 'Ride with U' on his home page. The song reminded him of Skeppy. He then asked himself a better question, "I'm a straight muffin, right?" 

He didn't know why, but the song always reminded him of Skeppy. Even after googling what the song was about, it still reminded him of Skeppy. 

Bad clicked on the search bar and typed in "Tongue Tied" with a smile upon his face.
He listened to the song, and he smiled. He liked the song very much, but he didn't dare tell anyone. 

Bad grabbed his phone, opening up his texts with Skeppy. He then asked:

                      Geppy <3


                                                   if i google the lyrics to
                                                   tongue tied
                                                   will you attack me?
Geppy <3

wtah no i woud nevr 

also woud you attcak me 
if i goolge teh lyrcis to
ride wiht u

                                                   i dont wanna attack
                                                   you geppy D:

                                                   and why does it say 
                                                   tongue tied is a love 

Geppy <3

becuase i lov u~

                                               i love you too muffinhead
                                               now go to sleep its late
Geppy <3 

ok goondight bad

                                             goodnight sleepy muffin


"What does he mean, he loves me?"


~Skephalo Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now