A Not-So-British Muffin Theft

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    TW: Blood, Swearing, Guns, Violence (i think thats all)

    ---Bad's POV---

I smiled as I handed a chocolate chip muffin to a customer. I think he said his name was Clay? He seemed happy as he unwrapped the muffin and handed it to his friend who's name was, if I remember correctly, George. 

I walked back to the counter and scrolled thru Twitter while I waited for a customer. Suddenly, I heard the door open. It didn't sound friendly, like it usually does, but instead it sounded rushed and violent. 

I looked up from my phone, shoving it back into my pocket. I looked at the person who had opened the door, and realised that it was none other than...


"Listen Bad, there's no time for this! Save whatever adorable little words you have to say for later! Right now, what you need to do is find somewhere to hide!" Skeppy spoke quickly, and I could tell that this time, he wasn't joking.

"Geppy, what the muffin are you talking about!? What happened!?" 

"We don't have time for me to explain! Just go hide! Now."

I nodded, sprinting towards the kitchen. I could hide in there, right?

As I hid inside the locked kitchen, I could hear loud sounds.




Then the loud sounds stopped for a moment. I could tell that someone was speaking, but I could not figure out who it was, or what the words were. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a gun being fired. I held my breath, hoping that it wouldn't hurt Skeppy, or the customers...


      ---Skeppy's POV---

I watched Bad run into a room labeled 'Staff Only' and turned around, facing the door. Suddenly, the door swung open, nearly breaking it. Tommy stood in the doorway, glaring at me as I quickly hid behind the counter. I could hear his footsteps as he walked over to where I was hiding. 

"Put your hands up, you blue bastard, this is a robbery!" 

I stood up, trying my best not to show fear, and placed my hands on the muffin display case. "I'm not doing that!"

"Are you sure about that, muffin-eating bitch?"

"Yes I am!" I shouted, throwing a stale muffin at him. It didn't hit him, however, it did hit the window, cracking it a bit. 

"Holy shit, how old was that muffin?" Tommy asked, just as confused as I was

"I dunno, I found it in the tra-" I was cut off as Tommy shoved me into the wall. Hard.

I crashed into the wall and looked up at Tommy, who had just pulled out a gun.

"Say your prayers, motherfuckers!" Tommy yelled, turning around and shooting one of the customers. 

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I yelled, trying to push Tommy away. I managed to push him onto the floor, but not in time. I looked to my right and saw the guy in green standing beside his friend, who's blue shirt now had a red splotch on it. "What did you just do!?" the guy in green yelled, and I couldn't tell if he was scared or angry.

"Bet you wish this was all just a nightmare, don't you, Dream? Well it isn't a dream this time, dickhead!" Tommy laughed, dropping his gun on the floor. "So long, bitches!" he yelled, fleeing the scene.

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