A Random Highschool AU: Part Two

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"Bad, is it you?" Zak had asked, making eye contact with Darryl. Darryl just sat there for a moment, trying to understand what had just happened. Darryl's face lit up when he realized who he was talking to. 

"Geppy?" Darryl asked, shoving his phone into his pocket, along with his earbuds.

"Bad!" Zak exclaimed, smiling.

Darryl scooted closer to Zak, hugging him tightly.

"I never thought i'd see you for real!" Darryl exclaimed, still hugging Zak.

"Me neither!" Zak exclaimed, hugging Darryl back. Zak didn't care if anyone noticed them acting like children, he was happy. He was happier than he'd ever been all year, he felt safe and as if no one's opinions mattered- as long as Darryl was there. Darryl did not let go of Zak, and when the bus arrived at school, Zak had to pry Darryl off of him.

"But Geppy I've never felt this happy in my life!" Darryl said, letting go of Zak. "I know, but we have school now. C'mon- i'll show you around, we've got a bit of time before classes start anyway!"

When they got into the building, there were kids everywhere. You could see a group of goth kids painting a locker with black paint, multiple groups of girls gossiping about Sarah's new shoes and stuff like that, a group of basketball fans, a group of football players, a few nerds asking the math teacher for extra homework, and loads of other small groups of people getting ready for the day. Darryl grabbed Zak's hand, and let Zak show him where everything was. They found Darryl's schedule, and they found out that they only had two classes together, the classes being French and Mathematics. Darryl didn't like the thought of not having anyone to show him where things were, but he knew he didn't have much of a choice.

The bell rang, and everybody rushed to their classes. Zak looked at Darryl, letting go of his hand. "Don't leave me, Zak, I don't like being around this many people!" Darryl begged. "I'm sorry, Darryl, i'll see you in French class. Go to History now, it's right there," Zak pointed to the nearest classroom. The two nodded to each other and went their separate ways.

When Zak arrived at English class, he was late. His teacher, who often got called "dad" by many students, was pretty chill about it. 

The class went by pretty quickly, and when it ended, Zak was the first kid out of the class.
He arrived at French class and sat down next to Darryl, who'd gotten there just a minute before Zak.

The French teacher, who seemed a bit too young to be a teacher, introduced himself to Darryl. "Hello, Darryl! You can call me Vincent, I don't mind! I've heard good things about you, i'm happy to be teaching you! If you have any questions after class, just ask me!"

Darryl nodded happily in response. The lesson seemed to go by even quicker than the first did, and when it was over, Darryl walked over to the teachers desk and asked with full confidence, "Sir, if you don't mind, what's Dr Pepper in French?"

Zak tried soo hard to hold back his laughter. Vincent just looked at Darryl and replied with the statement, "Dr Pepper."

"Yeah, Dr Pepper. What is it in French?"

"I just told you, Dr Pepper!"

"Ok but what is it in French?"

"Listen to me carefully this time. Dr Pepper." The French teacher was clearly trying to not laugh.

"C'mon, Darryl," Zal grabbed Darryl's arm, "You're gonna be late for English!"

"Oh, right! Where is that?" Darryl asked, looking around.

Zak pointed towards the English classroom, "I think Mr. Phil is gonna like you."

The two waved goodbye, and they wouldn't see each other until Math class, so they thought...

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