Part thirty one

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( Paris' POV )

"I was so adamant he was the one. All I wanted in my life was James. And now, Pedro has to get in the way," I sighed, shaking my head as the waves lapped infront of us, the horizon in pure blackness as the rain fell on my hood.
"But, do you have feelings for Pedro?" Starr asked, waving her legs as we perched on the brick wall, the water just inches from us. I stopped for a moment, deep in thought, before I took a deep breath.
"No. I love Pedro, and he's one of my best friends now. But I'm inlove with James," I exhaled, a weight lifting as I said the words out loud. I was inlove with James. And that was all there was to it.
"Then I say we get back to the house, and tell your man how you feel. And tell Pedro how you feel. Clear the air with them both, and move past this. For you, for them, for the friendships involved," Starr told me sympathetically, pulling her hands into the sleeve of Ryan's beige coat that she wore. I swallowed the lump that I hadn't even acknowledge form in my throat, nodding, as I processed the thought of going back to the house.
"Come on then, let's get this over with," I jumped off the wall, swivelling my legs to land on the pavement before pulling Starr up with me.

( Tommy's POV )

As I stepped across the beige carpet of the landing, I could hear conversation in James' room. I wasn't sure what the status of his and Paris' relationship was, but I was sure Pedro had just thrown a huge curve ball in their way. I stopped for a moment, leaning against the white banister as I listened vaguely into their conversation. No one would ever come to me for help, they knew I was no good at day to day advice. But I still wanted to know what was happening.
"You alright, buddy?" Ryan trudged up the stairs, meeting just behind me on the landing.
"I'm so confused, bro," I laughed, shaking my head. Ryan chuckled in response, patting my shoulder.
"Nothing new there, is there buddy?" He giggled, causing me to smile. "What are you confused about?"
"Like are James and Paris together? Does Paris like Pedro? Are Ped and Jim still going to be alright?!" I shrugged, the thoughts rolling straight out of my mind.
"I mean, technically they're not together officially, so it's not like it was cheating Atleast. But It still wasn't right of Pedro - I'm not officially with Starr but I'd be devastated if one of you came onto her. As far Jim and Ped, I guess only time will tell," Ryan sighed, clearly a little anxious by the situation. I nodded, looking to the floor. But then, there was a noise from downstairs as the front door opened.
"Im going up to bed, you go and speak to the boys. Come up if you need me, babe," I heard Starr quietly say, presumably to Paris.
"Love you," Paris sniffed back to her.
"Love you too, I'm proud of you no matter what," Starr told her, before I heard footsteps on the stairs.
"Why are you two suspiciously chilling on the landing?" She laughed, raising an eyebrow at myself and Ryan.
"Tommy was confused," Ryan told her, walking past me and directly towards her, embracing her in a hug. I loved Starr and Ryan together. Seeing my best friend so happy, so inlove. I craved what they had; a soulmate in eachother.
"You coming up to bed?" Ryan quietly mumbled into her, gently pecking her lips.
"I am, I'm so tired and cold," Starr responded, shivering slightly, despite being engulfed by Ryan's coat. He nodded, taking hold of her hand and beginning to walk across the landing.
"Night Tommy, mate," Ryan ruffled my hair with his other hand as he walked past.
"Goodnight Thomas," Starr smiled.
"Night you cringey fucks."

( Paris' POV )

"I am sorry if I led you on, Pedro. But I can't help my feelings, and I'm inlove with James," I held his eye contact sternly from the sofa seat next to him. I noticed his eyes refusing to meet mine, like they were pleading, crying for me. But I couldn't.
"You didn't lead me on. I had no right to kiss you. But I agree, you can't help feelings. And like you're inlove with James, I'm inlove with you. That's the bottom line," He sighed, gulping slightly as his eye line fell to his hands, his fingers intertwined with his other hand as he messed with his rings anxiously.
"I'm sorry, I really am," I whispered, shaking my head. I didn't realise he was inlove with me. But I didn't like it. I felt guilty, I felt like the burden in his life, ruining his friendship with James.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, I'm sorry," he told me sincerely, pursing his lips together in an attempt to smile.
"Sorry guys, mind if we all have chat?" A comforting northern voice asked from the doorway. My James. My love.
"Yeah I think we need to," Pedro scratched his head, James walking into the room and sitting on the rug opposite us.
"Look, Ped buddy, I don't want to fall out with you. That's the last thing I want. And if you two would be happy together, then it pains me to say, but go ahead. I understand why you have those feelings, mate, I just wish you'd have gone about it a different way," James maturely spoke his side, his hands latched together as they rested on his lap.
"Jim, no, you don't understand. Paris and I will never be together, because she doesn't want me. She wants you, only you. I'm so sorry about how I went about it, I truly am. Please don't think different of me. I just needed to get that out of my system, and now I can start moving on. I have my answer now, that's all I needed," Pedro fake smiled, standing up off the sofa and walking towards James and wrapping his arms around his neck as he knelt down. James embraced him, burying his head in his shoulders whilst rubbing his back.
"I'm going to head to bed and leave you two to it, night guys," Pedro waved, leaving the room. An awkward tension filled the air undeniably as we sat in silence.
"Is that true?" James eventually spoke, standing up off the floor and moving towards the sofa I was perched on. I raised my gaze towards him, nodding slowly.
"Of course it's true. It's always been you, and it always will be," I giggled nervously, feeling his hand move onto my thigh as he inches closer into me.
"I thought I'd lost you, before I'd even got you," He shook his head with a relieved smile, placing a soft kiss against my forehead as he moved his other hand down to intertwine with my own.
"I never want you to lose me, Jim," I whispered, my heart feeling like it could burst t any moment.
"Then be mine, be my girlfriend, Paris?" He whispered, his eyes pleading as the tip of his nose rested against mine.
"I want nothing more," I smiled, latching my lips into his with passion.

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