Chapter seven

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(Paris' POV)

I woke up the following morning, unaware of where I was. It didn't feel like my house, but it definitely felt like home. My pillow seemed to move in sync to my every breath, a warmth beneath my head as I inhaled a familiar scent; what smelt like a certain Amani aftershave.

And then it hit me. James.

"Morning, beautiful," a husky morning voice spoke against my head as I felt warm hands rubbing my back.
"Morning, James," I couldn't help but smile, closing my eyes once again and placing my leg over his, my head still resting on his chest and my arms around his abdomen. "Wait, how did I get to bed?!" I opened my eyes, lifting my head to look at his, my heart melting as his blond ish hair flopped messily, his stunning blue eyes still half asleep, yet smiling into mine.
"Do you not remember anything from last night?!" He responded, placing a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear, almost a tone of disappointment in his voice. I looked at him for a moment, trying to remember, but I couldn't.
"When I get really tired, I forget a lot. And I think last night I was exhausted," I giggled with a shrug. James kept his eyes on mine, continuing to stroke my hair as his gaze traced down my face, then back to my eyes.
"Well, you fell asleep on me on the sofa whilst we were all watching Paranormal Activity. To be honest, im surprised you managed to through Starr and Tommy screaming every two minutes, then Pedro shouting at them to shut up," James couldn't help but chuckle, I was laughing at the thought. "When the movie finished, the others were going to stay up and watch the second one, but I could feel you'd fallen asleep and didn't want you to wake, so I carried you up to my room," He paused, almost sighing as he removed his hand from my head and placed it behind his own.
"Oh, and then what? You" I worried slightly, picking up on his vibe.
"And started to wake up, so I tickled your back. And then you opened your eyes again and looked at me like you wanted to say something,"
"Oh god, what did I say?" I giggled, feeling my cheeks blush almost imminently. He paused, a smirk on his face as he did.
"You said, that you liked me. And that even though we hadn't known eachother long, you felt something, and you were really grateful for me," He almost whispered, a small smile on his face.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable," I told him, twiddling my fingers in a hint of embarrassment.
"I said I liked you too. And that I felt something I'd never felt before, and I meant it, Paris," He smiled, taking my anxious hand in his and holding it close to his chest.
"You, you do?" I sat up, rotating my position to face him. He opened his mouth as though he was going to speak, but stopped himself as he hoisted himself up so we were level. He gently reached his arms up to grab my waist, pulling me into him until I found myself positioned across his lap.
"Of course I do, you're perfect," he whispered, our lips inches apart. I couldn't help but blush, his warm breath soothing my lips, before electricity seemed to pass between us. He softly placed his lips against mine, as I gave in and kissed him back. In that moment, everything felt perfect. He pulled me closer to him, squeezing my waist as he continued to kiss me, unable to stop myself from smiling against his lips.

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