Chapter twenty six

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(Third person pov)

"Guys honestly, I'll be fine, you all go back to the cottage and I'll be back as soon as I've had my X-ray results," Pedro raised his eyebrows as he cupped his raw fist in his other hand, acknowledging Paris stood infront of him yawning, James to the side of her and Ryan and Tommy with folded arms.
"At least let me stay then mate, as realistically it was me that should have thrown a punch but I didn't and that's why we're in this mess," Ryan sighed, sitting on the seat next to him, resting his hand on his best friends shoulder.
"No Ry, you go back and stay with Starr. She needs you more than ever now, I think. It's my best friends ex that caused this, so I'll stay with him," Paris argued. The group remained silent for a moment, but just as James was about to open his mouth, a consultant walked into the waiting room.
"Mr Santos? You're free to go. Nothing is broken, just badly bruised. Make sure you rest it plenty and no more fights," The Welsh nurse smiled, handing him the discharge paperwork before trotting back down the corridor.
"Thank fuck for that," Tommy yawned, zipping his coat up as the group stood to their feet, Ryan helping Pedro up.
"Yeah I'm glad it's not broken, man," James told him sympathetically. He followed behind Pedro and Tommy as they left the hospital, Ryan behind them on his phone.

Zach had taken Starr back to the house after the incident, the others all staying with Pedro in his weary pained state. Ryan wasn't overly keen to leave Starr, knowing how mentally she would have struggled, but Zach convinced him he would take care of her, and that his best friend would also appreciate his presence, which of course, he did. He sighed, typing in a text as quick as he could with a slight anxiety on his chest.

To : Zach

Everything alright, bro? We're coming back now

Yes mate, I think she's a little overwhelmed but we've got a movie of her choice on, she's got your tracksuit on and seems to be falling asleep so I think that's good? Don't worry man, no rush

Bless her, little angel

She really is

Ryan felt somewhat more at ease with this communication, with a slight blush at the messages.

James spent a moment taking in the surroundings as they entered the car park, the peace of the Welsh air at night combined with the chaos behind them of the hospital, an elderly man wheeled into the building in a hurry, ambulances arriving, a woman limping and panting with her hand caressing the bump on her stomach. But his thoughts were interrupted as he felt a warm hand slip through his fingers, entangling into his grip.
"You okay, Jim?" Paris smiled, observing his somewhat distracted face.
"I am my love, are you?" He quickly turned his glance to face her, the night dark yet her radiant blue eyes still reflecting the moonlight into his. He gazed in admiration, how could someone he'd known for so little time mean so much to him?
"Im fine, you just seemed distracted," She replied, caressing his soft hand with her thumb as he gripped slightly tighter.
"I don't know I guess I was just taking it all in. Hospitals are weird places, like there's a woman going in to birth a new life, then some going in for the end of their lives, some going in for beating up a psychopath," he chuckled, Paris giggling sweetly at him.

"Shot gun!" The conversation was interrupted as Ryan enthusiastically ran past them, getting to the front door of the car just before Pedro.
"What the fuck i get the front seat, I've only got one working hand!" Pedro complained playfully.
"Not really relevant, mate. Plus, Ry called shotgun," Tommy laughed, climbing into the driver seat as Ryan giggled, slipping in through the passenger door.
"Great," Pedro sighed under his breath as he watched James get in first, Paris in the middle seat.
"You getting in or what?" James asked him cheekily, wrapping his arm around Paris' waist and pulling her into him slightly.
"Urgh, I hate third wheeling," He moaned, sliding in next to Paris with a thud.

The journey lasted a meer fifteen minutes, but it was enough time for Paris to fall asleep. It had been a fairly hectic day, after all. With her head softly lay against James' shoulder, his arm around her shoulders to hold her tight whilst he traced his fingers up and down the top of her arm. He couldn't help but smile to himself, placing a delicate kiss on the top of her head, cautious not to wake her. Pedro rested his head on his good hand, watching the darkness from out of the window. Ryan and Tommy continued their usual playful banter, although Ryan's anxiety once again picked back up as they reached the driveway, his mind unaware of the state he was due to see Starr in.

"Paris, Paris babe, we're home now," James whispered as the boys began getting out of the car and heading for the front door.
"Hm?" She grunted, lifting her head slightly.
"You're so adorable, you know that?" James smiled, kissing the tip of her nose.
"I'm tired," She yawned, snuggling back into him.
"Let's get you inside and straight to bed then, my love."

Burning desires ~ Here At Last حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن