Chapter eleven

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(Pedro's POV)

"Honestly Jim, I'm so sorry," I repeated to James for around the fifth time, shaking my head as I sat at the table, my hands warmed by the coffee mug I was holding.
"Buddy you have nothing to be sorry for, and definitely not to me you don't! It doesn't affect me," James reassured me, patting my shoulder as I nodded. "And anyway, I'm sure she's forgotten it even happened by now."
"Yeah, yeah I'm sure you're right," I ruffled my hair, trying to get the thoughts out of my head. But I just couldn't. She was his girl. He'd had his sites on her since the very first moment, little did he know I had too.

"Alright lads?" Ryan chirped, practically skipping into the room in a pair of blue jeans and his favourite beige checked shirt.
"What's got in to you?" Tommy giggled, stirring the tea bag in his mug from where he sat on the marble work surface.
"Oh I recognise this," Zach nodded, raising his eyebrows.
"Is little Mr Burns in love?!" I cooed playfully. He'd been my best friend for years, and I felt I could read him like an open book.
"Course he is, you can see that a mile off!" James laughed as he sat at the other side of the table from me.
"Says you! You haven't stopped smiling since the girls came along either! You're so inlove!" Ryan laughed, gesturing in James' direction. I lowered my gaze, but I knew what was going on. He didn't deny a thing, simply blushed as everyone chorused various 'aww's.
"It's fair though, they are both absolutely gorgeous," Zach shrugged with a raise of his eyebrows.
"And to be honest, it doesn't take a genius to realise they're inlove with you both anyway," Tommy chipped into the conversation.

He was right. It was obvious she only had eyes for James. And I didn't want to interfere, I loved him to pieces. I had to swallow my pride, and get over it.
"Yeah, they absolutely are," I gulped with a fake smile, watching my two friends blush at the thought of their new found loves.

And as if on queue, footsteps seemed to make their way down the stairs, followed by laughter and whispers.

"Here they are, sleeping beauty's" Zach smiled, welcoming them into the kitchen as he walked to the doorway, hugging each of them in turn.
"Morning everyone!" Starr smiled, immediately making her way to Ryan's side. I noticed him place a soft kiss on her temple, draping his arm round her waist as he pulled her in close to her.
"You look better in that than me," I heard him quietly tell her, referring to his hoodie and matching black joggers. She was bare faced, showing that she blushed at his kind words.

"Morning, hun," James beckoned Paris over, wrapping his arms tightly around her as she sat herself on his lap.
"Morning," she smiled, wrapping hers around his neck. It was a fairytale romance; the most beautiful girl with those bright blue eyes, her mousey hair, and her prince, the handsome blonde boy with looks to die for. I sighed, before I felt something on my shoulder.
"You alright?" Ryan mouthed to me as he tapped my shoulder from behind, his other arm still around Starr. I nodded, smiling falsely, but widely. He simply raised his eyebrows with a smirk, making it obvious he knew I was lying.

But what could I do? Simply get over it.

If only it was that easy.

(James' POV)

"Right, are you sure you're ready?" Paris asked as we all stood in the hallway. I noticed Starr take a deep breath, before looking to the floor and nod.
"We'll come back with you anyway, just in case, but I'm certain everything will be ok," I nodded, assuring the girl as I noticed her hand tangle into Ryan's.
"Yeah, and if anything at all happens then you know you can call me, any time at all and I'll be there," Ryan told her, his eyes admiring her as she stared to the floor. She smiled to him, the pair of them heading out and to the car, leaving Paris and I alone in the hallway.
"You alright? You're not anxious are you?" I opened my arms, taking the moment alone to embrace Paris into my chest.
"I'm okay, I'm worried about Starr being on her own at home. I might have to stay with her for a few days. But I also am sad to be leaving you," She looked up to me, her arms still tightly around me as I cuddled her tightly.
"That's a good idea. I know Ryan will be on hand, I'm sure he'll be checking on her every minute. And I'm sad for you to go too, honey, but we'll see eachother again soon won't we?!" I asked, the realisation suddenly hitting - was this a casual thing? What if we never saw eachother again?
"Tomorrow?!" She laughed, although her eyes told me she wasn't joking, sending a wave of relief through me.
"Tomorrow it is. Now let's get you back to Starr's," I placed a kiss against her lips softly, but before I had a chance to pull away, I felt her warm hand reach the back of my neck, pulling me back in.
"Don't stop yet, please," she whispered against my lips. Unable to stop myself from smiling, I gently licked my lip, gazing into her eyes, before reattaching our lips with passion. My hands roamed down from her back to her waist, squeezing her slightly to hold her close to me. She wrapped her arms round my neck, the gap between us non existent.
"God Paris, you're so perfect," I couldn't help but whisper as we gently pulled away, our noses still touching.
"You're perfect, Jim," She smiled back, placing a gentle kiss against my lips before eventually stepping back.
"Come on, let's get you home, before I decide to keep you here forever," I winked with a smile, guiding her out of the door and towards the car.

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