Chapter eight

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Starr's POV

(the night before)

"I'm going to be having nightmares tonight," I exclaimed with a giggle, feeling my body jump in sync to Tommys screams at the horror movie on the screen. Everyone else laughed, Ryan's breath warm against my neck as he chuckled also, his arms cupping my stomach as he pulled me slightly tighter into him, a sense of safety indulging through me.
"I'll keep you safe, even while you're sleeping," Ryan whispered into my ear, sending goosebumps over my whole body as I relaxed into his words. I may have only met him earlier that day, but it felt like I'd known him forever. Like a part of me had been missing, and he'd instantly filled it, like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Maybe we had been soul mates in our past lives, maybe we would be in our next lives. Maybe, just maybe, we would be in this life.

James and Paris were the first to disappear upstairs that night. I'd known Paris my whole life, but I had never seen her quite so content as she was with James by her side, and I was truly happy to see it. Pedro had fallen asleep on the rug, his head resting against his arms just as he had been lying to watch the movie. Tommy yawned next, waving goodnight to us and heading to his room, and Zach not long after.

The room felt relatively quiet once everyone had dispersed, all apart from the sound of Pedro's muffled snores, and the rain pattering on the windows. But I didn't mind. I was pretty exhausted, and whilst I was safer than I ever had been in Ryan's hold, I just couldn't relax.
"You alright, darling?" Ryan almost whispered, acknowledging the tension I held in my body.
"Yeah, just tired," I smiled, resting my head back against him, snuggling deeper into his touch.
"You're sure that's all? You can talk to me," He ran his hand down my hair, twisting the ends with his warm fingers as his breath warmed my ear. The thing was, I believed him. I knew I could tell him anything. But I didn't really know what I felt.
"It's just, it's been quite a day. I'm so happy I'm away from him, but I'm anxious about what state I'll go home to tomorrow. What if he came in and messed up all my things out of spite? Or hasn't dropped my keys back and is just going to come by when I least expect him, or-" I stopped myself to take a breath, feeling my voice begin to panic and shake.
"Shh, princess, it's all going to be ok. You'll have Paris with you, and I'm happy to come back with you to make sure you're safe. I'm sure James will too, and the other boys if you want. But I promise you now, I won't let anything happen to you."
His words calmed me; a sense of severity yet concern in them. It was like he knew I was right and any of these things could happen, but he wasn't going to let me face it alone. A factor I was insanely grateful for.
"Thank you, Ry. I really appreciate you," I whispered, sitting up and turning myself around, till I straddled across his lap as his back remained against the sofa.
"You're more than welcome, angel," he whispered back with a tint of red against his perfectly freckled cheeks, moving a strand of hair behind my ear with his thumb. We remained enticed in eachothers gaze for what felt like forever, his enchanting turquoise eyes scanning down to my lips with a smirk, before moving back up to my eyes. I may have only been single for a matter of hours, but in that exact moment, I'd never been so eager to kiss someone.

And it was as though he could read my mind as he smiled, leaning in towards me.

(Ryan's POV)

She may have only been single for a matter of hours, but in that exact moment, I'd never been a eager to kiss someone.

This glimpse in her eyes told me she felt the same. I thought I was just imagining it, I didn't want to push my luck. But something came over me, I couldn't help myself.

Using my thumb to push a strand of her brunette locks behind her ear, I gently traced down her cheek until I reached her jaw, lifting her head to look at me. She was incredible. She was beautiful. I couldn't resist, leaning in and closing the gap between us as our lips attached, hers soft and soothing to my own with a grace of warmth. The kiss ignited something in me I had only dreamt of feeling, I treasured the feeling as I smiled against her, feeling her do the same.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself," I whispered, our lips dangerously close as my hand remained on her face, my eyes locked on hers. She simply smiled, before running her fingers up to my hair and reattaching our lips with passion.

Everything felt perfect, Id never felt so complete. But of course, the moment was ruined.
"Where is everyone? I-oh," A sleepy yawn came from Pedro's direction as he now sat up at the other end of the rug from where he had fallen asleep, a shocked look on his face. Starr quickly shuffled around on my lap, as though she was panicking and trying to remove herself to sit next to me. But I quickly grabbed her hips, holding her down, Pedro watching the whole scene with eagle eyes.
"Don't move," I whispered.
"What-why?" She responded, gesturing to Pedro with her head.
"Just don't move yet," I smirked. The room remained silent for a moment, before Pedro caught the drift.
"Right, well I best get off to bed, night lovers," He jumped up, speeding out of the room with a slight giggle, leaving us alone.
"Now, where were we?"

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