Waiter- ok I'll be back with your drinks in a second

                              *10 minutes later*

Waiter- Here's your drinks. One sangria

Regie- for me

Waiter- *gives drink* One water

Oliver- mine

Waiter- *says to Ryan* so is this sprite yours

Ryan- yes ma'am 

Waiter- *gives Ryan his drink*

Ryan- thx

Waiter- np, Are y'all ready to order

Ryan- yes, are you Oli

Oli- Yea, Regie what about you

Regie- I'm ready

                         *they order they food*

Regie- This food smacks cuh *drinks some of his drink* eww the food good but the drink a**

Ryan- My food and drink good but the sprite kinda strong but it's good asf tho

Regie- Is yours good Oli

Oli- Yea, do you wanna try some of my sushi

Regie- yea

Oliver- *feeds Regie*

Ryan- what the f*ck, then y'all ask why people think y'all together.

Regie- shut up Ryan. Oli can I get one more?

Oliver - here *feeds Regie again*

Waiter- *walks to they table and sees Oli feeding Regie* Awww y'all are a cute couple I feel bad for him *points at Ryan* for having to third wheel.

Oli- we ju-

Waiter- does the food taste ok?

Ryan- yea

Regie- yes

Oli- yes

Waiter- that's good do y'all need anything

Regie- no

Ryan- no

Oliver- no

Waiter- ok *walks away*

Ryan- *laughs* see what I mean bruh

Regie- be quiet

Oliver- she just cut me off bro but it's ok. Are y'all ready for Thanksgiving break?

Regie- yes bruh I hate waking up early to go to school but I'm happy I get to see my family

Ryan- same

Oli- same I haven't seen them in a long time

                 *they keep talking and eating*

Oliver- *calls waiter over*

Waiter- Yes

Oliver- Can we get the check

Waiter- ok is it separated and if it is between who

Oliver- no it's not separated

Waiter- ok

Ryan- bro what are you doing

Oliver- imma pay

Ryan- oh ok

Regie- you always pay couldn't be me

Oliver- I'm just nice

Regie- no you not

Oliver- yes I am

Regie- ok sometimes but whatever

                *waiter comes with the check*

Waiter- Here's the check

Oliver- thx *pays*

Waiter- ok I'll brb

Oliver- ok

Waiter- *walks away*

Regie- My stomach hurts bro

Oliver- I'll give you some medicine when we get home or maybe you need to poop or drink water

Regie- ok thx

Ryan- *rolls eyes*

                         *Waiter comes back*

Waiter- here's your card

Oliver- thx have a nice day

Waiter- you too

*they leave*

Oli- Bye Ryan

Ryan- Bye Oli but Regie

Regie- Bye Ryan

                     *they get in the car and leaves*

Oli (In the car)- Does your stomach still hurt

Regie- yea

Oli- ok what do you think it is

Regie- idk maybe I have to poop

Oli- ok

                          *back at they dorm*

Oli- here's some medicine

Regie- thanks *goes to get a water bottle* where's the water bottles

Oliver- I drunk the last one sorry.

Regie- it's ok

REGIE POV: I go and get a cup and then when I do I walk to the sink and pour me some water then I put the pill in my mouth and right when I'm finna put the water in my mouth I throw up and Oli come in the kitchen and sees the throw up and gets a mop and a bucket and he gives me the bucket and cleans up the throw up then he tells me I should lay down and if I feel like I'm going to throw up to put the bucket to my mouth, I said ok and went to lay down then he came in the room after like 30 minutes to check on me and when he saw I was ok he said he was tired and was finna go to sleep but I wanted him to stay with me idk why but I feel like I like him or like him to be around. So I said what if I throw up again while I was sleep and don't know. He said well imma be sleep too and I said but if I throw up on you, you will probably wake up and he said why would I want you to throw up on me and I said please just stay with me bruh and he said ok fine and then we went to sleep.

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