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I smile at the bronze cherub statue and start up the Grand Staircase. I take each step slowly so that I don't trip on the hem of my rose-gold silk gown. The main landing is directly ahead. Above it is a huge wrought-iron-and-glass dome, from which a chandelier hangs.

I stop in the platform next to the elaborately carved clock. It depicts two angels. Honour and Glory Crowning Time. Someone told me it was called that. Or maybe I read it somewhere?

I scan the stairs above and below me. I'm meeting someone, but for the life of me I can't remember the details.

"Twelve steps, just as I said!" Uncle Hajoon says to Mr. Lam and the two generations of  Salvatores as they approach the bottom of the staircase. He voice is bright, and he holds an amber-colored drink. I smile down at the group of men, but they are too caught up in their conversation to notice me.

"But I ask you, my dear fellow, does the Grand Staircase not include all the levels?" Stefan's father asks, sweeping his hand up and down dramatically.

My uncle turns to Mr. Lam. "What say you? Is the Grand Staircase the entirety of the stairs, or is it this, the dome, clock, and cherub? Symbolism or literalism? This should be an easy answer for a writer."

Mr. Lam scratches his white beard.

"Come now, think carefully. Can you take the legs from a horse and still call it a horse?" prods Stefan's father. He holds a wad of money in one hand and a drink in another.

I laugh. They're gambling, no doubt. Aunty Hanna would be furious if she knew. But I'm not going to tell her. They look so happy. And it's a wonderful, sparkling night. Who am I to spoil their fun?

Stefan looks up and sees me smiling down at them. I immediately look away. I don't want him to think I'm staring. But when I look back, he's walking up the stairs toward me.

Stefan bows, his green eyes twinkling. "How is it that you are all alone this evening, Miss Bae?"

"I'm meeting someone," I say, although I'm not sure why since I can't remember who it is.

"Would that someone mind if I borrowed you for a stroll?"

I scan the people at the bottom of the staircase again, where Uncle Hajoon, Mr. Lam, and Stefan's father still argue.

Stefan smiles. "They won't even notice if you and I wander off. They have been at it all night. Holed up in the smoking room, where the women will not reprimand them." He laughs. "Next they will be betting how many portholes there are."

"Do you want to go outside?" I look up at the railing above us. "I would love to get . . ."

Bruce Ismay approaches the balcony and leans over it, scanning the people below. By his side is someone who looks familiar. He wears a butler's uniform and is strangely unshaven. Young, maybe early twenties. How do I know him?

The unshaven man and I make eye contact, and my heart beats a little faster. Why am I nervous? Everything is wonderful. He looks from me to Stefan. He says something to Ismay, and they turn around and walk away.

"Wait," I say. I lift my dress in one hand and run up the stairs.

When I reach the higher landing, they're gone.

Stefan rushes up the stairs behind me. "What happened? Are you well?"

"I know that man," I say, not sure how to explain the odd feeling that I need to talk to him.

I walk to the nearest door and open it. It leads out onto the boat deck. The air is only lightly chilled, and there's a warm breeze. The water laps in the distance. No Ismay. No unshaven butler.

The Passengers (Book #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant