Trapped in Love

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I can't really put it any other way, I simply love Isabelle, I adore her. Do you know the feeling of life long infatuation, that's how I feel about Isabelle. I truly believe that nothing will ever break me and Isabelle's invincible connection, the kind of connection that a man builds with his son over a life time.

"Isabelle, baby?" I asked with slight hesitation.

" Yeah, baby?" She asked awkwardly.

"Wanna go and listen to the waves for awhile?"

"Awe, baby. I'd love to, especially with you." She said with a sweet heart and a soft voice, I nearly throbbed in my heart a million times at once, I was surrounded by love and I adored it.

We drove about two miles out of the city to a special spot I had awaiting, a spot for me and my darling Isabelle. Somewhere I had yearned to take my girl for years, a place my mother had taken me when I was down. Simply down anytime. It was about eight o'clock, the sun was just starting to express it's sunset colors, it was perfect.

I slowly came to a stop where the sand started to integrate with the grass, I was more on the grassy side though. We carefully got out of my car and walk through the sand to the centre of the beach, beautifully surrounded by the sound of crashing waves and seagulls.

"Isabelle baby, I want you to know I could spend the rest of my life with you. Easily." I told her pouring out my heart, and staring right into her eyes to give it the full effect.

"Awe baby, me too, I would do anything for you and I know I've said it a million times and I will another, but I love you and I will forever more." She said proving that she loved me as much as I loved her, one last time. I knew when she poured her heart out it was supposed to be meaningful, and it was. And always will be.

We sat down on the beach, suddenly we drifted away into a place I can't really describe...

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