Jimin shook his head, then says, "I did promise Dali the last time that I'd come by the house to take her with me on my way to visit Seokjin, and she immediately felt ecstatic, going on and on about how she couldn't wait to see her father too. But now that I'm sick, I wouldn't be able to take her there, and i absolutely do not want to disappoint that little angel, she doesn't deserve that"

"You did a terrible job, but I guess I'll have to make do with it, considering how prohibited I am from using my hand for now" Seokjin complained nonstop, staring into the mirror with disdain at how poorly Jungkook styled his usually perfect hair.

"What did I even do now? You look great as always, and I honestly was expecting a Jungkook thank you, rather than a complaint" Jungkook whined, neatly tucking away the hair dryer and styling brushes.

Jungkook's statement causes Seokjin to frown even deeper, "you call this great?" He yowls loudly, "There's no way in hell this looks great, I downright look like a triangle gimbap!"

Jungkook scoffed, then swallowed, snorted and also swallowed, before bursting into laughter, unable to hold himself back. Apparently whining Seokjin was such a sight to behold, "Yah! Sir Seokjin I bet there's no one out there in the entire world, that you would show this hairstyle to that wouldn't say you look dazzling_I swear"

"Oh really?" Seokjin inquires with a sneer, to which Jungkook nodded rather smugly, enjoying the boys misery a little too much.

"Well then, you're fired!" Seokjin declared as he stood to his feet and marched towards his neatly layered bed, plopping himself down on it with a scowl on his face.

Chuckling from where he stood, Jungkook took a rather long and very observing look at the whining boy, different kinds of probing questions already swarming about in his hazy mind. Some of which included how on earth Seokjin's father had the cruelest of heart to have hurt the boy in such demeaning ways in which he did. Jungkook admits, Seokjin is not an easy person to deal with, infact the boy was clearly far from easy, but at the same time, he couldn't help but wonder in what direction his entire life would have been headed if he hadn't already been subjected to so much while growing up.

Eventually dragging his feet towards the bed, Jungkook knelt in front of Seokjin, who was rather quick to jump up to a sitting position. Startled as to why his caregiver was kneeled in front of him.

"What? What do you want now?" Seokjin questions, inquisitively starring at Jungkook.

Jungkook, flashes him a small smile before saying. "Did I make you mad just now? I'm really sorry if I did, it wasn't my intention. And to prove it to you, tell me whatever it is that you'd like to have as desert, and I'll make"

"Huh? Now you're really trying to kill me without a doubt. Because I literally just ate a few minutes ago, and now you still want to make me deserts? Ha ha, ain't no way in hell you're outsmarting me young man!"

"Agreed, and I'm certainly not trying to outsmart you, I only want to make you something I think you'll like, maybe also with whipped cream included"

"You're scarring me__" Seokjin groans out frustratingly, gradually scooting backwards towards the middle of the bed. "Why are you being so nice to me? It's fucking freaking me out"

"This is so unnecessary and you know it" Seokjin grumbled, his legs swinging back and forth on the stool Jungkook made him sit on, while he rummaged through the pantry to gather all of the ingredients needed to bake cupcakes.

With his back turned to Seokjin, Jungkook only hummed in response to his protest, pulling out a bag of flour from underneath one of the cupboards.

"I really want to bake you some cupcakes because I'm a pro at it, and all I'm asking from you is your company, nothing more. So, can you please just sit still and watch me while i work, atleast that way it'll be easier for you to know that I'm definitely not trying to poison you" Jungkook says, his hands coming up to rest above his hips while starring down at the very uninterested boy.

Just then, the front door swings open, ushering in a very excited Dali, who was dashing straight towards the living room.

"Appa! Appa where are you?" She yells at the top of her voice.

Jungkook wasted no time and ditching the mixer in his hand, practically skipping towards the echoing voice. "Dali?"

"Appa!" Dali beams with overflowing excitement, leaping off the floor and into her fathers strong arms. Who in turn was quick to wrap her in a bear like hug, he'd missed her so much.

"What are you doing here? Who'd you come with?"

"Uncle Joonie" She exclaims, pointing towards the front door "he's on his way in, but I couldn't wait up for him because he walks like a grandpa"

Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle, but instantly pined his lips into a thin line as he saw Namjoon emerging through the front door, bearing loads of shopping bags in both hands.

"Do you mind helping? Because this is the exact reason why I walk like a grandpa" Namjoon scoffed, rolling his eyes at Jungkook.

Turning his attention to the little girl nestled in his arms, Jungkook said with a smile, "Dali, do you mind? I really need to assist uncle Joonie with the bags"

"Sure Appa" Dali sang, wiggling her way to the ground, "I'd also like to see Sir Seokjin too"


Before Jungkook could complete his words, Dali was already on a high speed run towards the kitchen, yelling out Seokjin's name at the top of her tiny voice.

Any mistakes encountered while reading this chapter, was totally not intentional. I was just too exhausted to proof read🙈

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