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You had sat quietly, eating what heeseung made before the little scene you caused. Your thoughts picked away at your peace of mind, and evidently, it was very apparent to those around. "are you okay?" heeseung whispered to you, worry washed over his face, lips jutting out naturally, forming a pout. To think you kissed his lips minutes ago.

You dismissed those sentiments quickly, brushing off the question while the demon casually munched on his bowl of ramen. He didn't look unpersuaded at your reply, eyeing you narrowly, "do you like the ramen?" he questioned, switching the topic.

"yeah, it's good. it reminds me of when I tried to make pancakes and failed, so I summoned you for help but made them way better," you completed with a smile, thinking back to the many memories you created the day you were home with him.

"don't banish heeseung as you did with me. Y/n is my daughter after all," jiheon jested jokingly, but the stillness dragged, gazes set on the two of you. Lucifer spared the two a glance, noting how you were seated attired in his clothes.

"that is if they wish to do so," he said, an unreadable front dawning upon the devil himself, "rules are rules." That only further soured the atmosphere as you stood up with your empty bowl in hand, excusing yourself.

You anticipated someone to call out to you, to stem you by the arm, but no one did. It added to your doubt that nothing good was to come with falling for the demon. You set the bowl in the sink, not darting at the others who remained muted, supervising your every move.

You traced the way back to heeseung's temporary room, strolling inside, plunging onto his bed while the tears brimming in your eyes fell, not a sob fleeing your mouth. You weren't sure when you fell asleep, discerning the built-up exhaustion and constant pondering whether to stick to your mind or heart.

You listened to the door click open, hearing voices whisper something along the lines, "bring her back tomorrow," who you acknowledged was your dad. "yes, have a goodnight, sir." The doorway shut, and the demon soughed, bringing his raven hair together.

You felt a warm hand atop your cheek, your eyes forcing themselves open, moving over to invite him beside you. He tried to refuse your offer and sat down instead. "i'll sleep elsewhere," he murmured, lulling you to sleep again.

You shook your head his words, hands flying to the sides of his face, delivering a quick kiss. Your sleepy eyes gave away their urge to close as they did, your arms hooking around his waist, not wanting him to leave. So he stayed.

❝the demon's bet❞ - lee heeseung.Where stories live. Discover now