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You wince at the recollection of your previous actions, whacking yourself for even asking such a question. It wasn't your business, and why did you care? you don't know much yourself—You couldn't help but stop the boy, grabbing him by the arm and halting him from going further into the portal. He whipped his head to you, looking questioningly at you.

"yes, princess?" he queries, your hand still clasped 'round his arm, "when," you pause, debating whether you should be asking him this. He hums, letting you know he's listening, "when can I see again," you squeak as fast as possible, eyes meeting the floor, getting embarrassed at the 'question,'
You peek at him, only to see a beautiful smile adorning his lips, the corners of his eyes wrinkling from the smile, nose scrunching up. He was laughing, what, a sight, despite being a demon, he smiled like an angel.

"you can see me when you think of me again, princess," he says, stifling his laughter, then smiling sweetly, "i should get going," he curtly speaks, your grip on his arm releasing naturally.

You shy a smile on your face, his hand patting your head and officially stepping into the unknown side. Your smile dropped as he disappeared. You don't know him, nor should you care.That was what you told yourself, but the more you seemed to think of him, going as far as venting about the formerly mentioned to your best friends and yoon(after she apologized for lying, that is.)

"so you slept with him?" yoon points out bluntly. Yeonjun, another demon, sat beside you in a mass group of friends who snickered at Yoon's comment. "i didn't sleep with him— i slept beside him!" you exclaimed, defending yourself, everyone laughing their hearts out, "you still used his bare chest as your pillow, y/n," sieun sounds from the other corner of the room.

You look at her with a defeated expression, unable to evade the situation, "so, what now, you romance the hell out of a demon?" beomgyu comments playfully, the others bursting into yet another fit of laughter, this being the nth time since you gave them a rundown of events.

You hadn't told them the demon's name because maybe one of them knew him and could tell him everything you were saying and feeling. You trusted your friends, but sometimes, they were a bit too impatient with the whole waiting process.

"you could ask him to be your date to the supernaturals party," yeji suggests, being one of the helpful ones. Your entire group of friends was demons or mere mortals, making you feel at ease not having to lie to them about being a half-blood.

"but I can't contact him," you retort with a sad sigh before yoon reminds you how you could summon him, though you couldn't fathom the idea.The others practically forced you to beckon his presence right now, though it'd just been a day since you last saw him. You tried to gather your thoughts amidst the forced silence, everyone watching you summon the demon.

You tried your best to fail at calling his presence as the group decided they would leave after you summoned the boy, whom you wished didn't show up. You sat still, with your eyes closed, conjuring his company. You peeled your pupils open after a minute, sighing fakely, "see, it didn't work," you stop while faking your sadness.

"now leave," you finish, ushering each of your friends out the front door and making your way back to your room. You stand in the middle of the mess they had created, overstaying their welcome.

"so much for, 'you can see me when you think of me again, princess," you mock, ending with a scoff. "oh princess, I'm right here," you feel a whisper next to you while you yelp and spin around in defense with your arms in an X and one leg raised to kick.

"what are you—" you get cut off, realizing he hopped out of your wardrobe, "what were you doing in my wardrobe," you ponder, staring blankly at him.

"you summoned me," he starts, causing a smile to lift on your lips at the success, "in your wardrobe." Just like that, your smile dropped, "i did?"

"yeah, you should be more specific as to where, darling,"

You shove the butterflies erupting in your stomach to your side, "you called?" he utters in the stillness as you open your mouth to reply, "oh, are you free this Saturday?" you inquire, not wanting to bother him if he were busy.

"yeah, I am," he replies to your avail, you proceeding to ask him to the event, "would you like to accompany me to an event?" you say, hoping he'd agree, though you didn't know why you wanted him to agree so bad.

"under one condition," he begins, fulfilling the bet between him and the boys, determined to win. Your ears perk up, eager to hear his condition, "which is," you ask expectantly.

He leans closer to you, the wall almost at your back, allowing you to examine his attractive facial features. "strike a deal with me, sweetheart," he says slyly, a smug smile carrying forth as he officially pins you up against the wall, his breath tickling the nape of your neck.

The demon boy towered over you, watching as your cheeks flushed bright red, the way you failed to maintain eye contact with him, almost snickering at how easy it was to get your flustered, cute.

He stared down at you, appreciating how stunning you looked at that moment, feeling tranced by you. You liquefied underneath his gaze, his orbs flashing an intense, deep red, which you admired in pure fascination.

Your heart pounded precipitously in your ribcage, especially the mortal part of your soul, whether it was a thing. "sure," you spew hurriedly, peeling the boy away from you.You stood to the side breathing harshly, feeling breathless because of heeseung. "then yes, I'll join you at your party and think of what you want as part of your deal," he quips, smiling sheepishly.

"my part of the deal? How does that benefit you, heeseung?" you doubt, eyeing him suspiciously, unable to blindly trust him, could you? He was someone you met once.

"a smart one, you are," he says, smiling down at his palms, the same sweeping his hair slickly, looking effortlessly stunning, "most don't care how it benefits me. They accept my deal mindlessly, y/n,"

"but this benefits me because I make deals as a demon," he lets out, and immediately his soft expression drops, hardening into a sober one.

"now, if you excuse me, I have some business to tend to," he curtly speaks, stepping to you and patting your head for no particular reason, "bye y/n, see you later if you wish to summon me," he adds, chortling, walking through his demon portal.

❝the demon's bet❞ - lee heeseung.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum