The Older Brother, The Duke of Lancaster Territory

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Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent Territory had an older brother, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory.

Lord Anthony Christopher inherited the Dukedom of Lancaster Territory through his paternal great-great-grandmother, Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort when her younger brother's great-grandson failed to have any children and her great-great-grandson, Lord Anthony Christopher was the next in line to inherit the Dukedom through his great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Edmund Beaufort.

It was Lord Edmund Beaufort's daughter who married Lord Patrick William Howard son, Lord Frederick William Howard.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was equally handsome as his younger brother, Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory and they both had blonde hair, brown eyes and golden skin and they both considered two of the most handsome young men of their time.

Better looking than Lord Anthony Bridgerton, or his brothers, Lord Benedict, Lord Colin and Lord Gregory.

They were all Dukes on Star-Base 12 and direct descendants of King Henry II of England and Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine and their son, King John of England and one of his sons, King Henry III of England and Prince Richard of Cornwall.

Lady Karissa sums her son's up with this one song written by The Carpenters Close To You.

Why do birds suddenly appear

Every time you are near?

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

Why do stars fall down from the sky

Every time you walk by?

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

On the day that you were born the angels got together

And decided to create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the girls in town

Follow you all around

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

On the day that you were born the angels got together

And decided to create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the girls in town

Follow you all around

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

Wa, close to you

Wa, close to you

Ha, close to you

La, close to you

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Burt Bacharach / Hal David

(They Long to Be) Close to You lyrics © BMG Rights Management

Lord Anthony Christopher was bullied while he was growing up until his uncle, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III taught him the martial arts and how to defend himself and then he could throw a good cross hook.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard III would watch from a distance when the three bullies walked over to his nephew and they started to push him around and all of sudden Lord Anthony looked them straight in the eye and he gave one a hit across the jaw and he fell onto the ground and the one he hit stood up and looked at him and told him " I am going to tell my father."

Lord Charles Andrew Howard III walks over and he tells him " Go tell your damn father. I will be glad to take him down too. Do you know who his father is?"

"Lord Anthony's is the son of The Duke of Norfolk Territory and I am his uncle, The Duke of Sussex Territory." Lord Charles Andrew III states, " My great-great-grandfather saved your great-great-grandfather's rear-end from doom."

Lord Anthony Christopher was never bothered after that he gained the respect from everyone on Star-Base 12 but he knew the difference between self defense and anger.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was very good handsome and he would make an excellent match when he married his beautiful second cousin, Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart in 2300 and they would go onto have three children, Lord Alexander Andrew Howard, who would inherit the Dukedom of Lennox Territory, Lord Andrew Charles Howard II, who inherit the territories of Lancaster, Westminster and Fairfax and Lady Josephine Karissa would inherit The Marquess of Pembroke Territory.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard would die five years after the death of his eldest sister, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard in 2355 at the age of 75 years old and he would be succeeded by his grandson, Lord Andrew Charles Howard III until 2400.

Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now