Lady Ida Grey

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Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR is determined that his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard will marry to one of the two young women he has chosen for him and he sets out for Lord Reginald Grey to bring his daughter, Lady Ida Grey to Norfolk Estate so that Lord Andrew Charles may meet her.

Lord Reginald Grey agrees to bring his daughter, Lady Ida out to Norfolk Estate from Suffolk Territory and when they cross over from Suffolk into Norfolk Territory. Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR is there to meet The Grey carriage carrying Lord Reginald Grey with Lady Ida.

Lord Charles Andrew JR walks over to the Grey entourage and Lord Reginald Grey is out of his carriage and he walks over and extends his hand " Welcome to Norfolk Territory, Lord Reginald."

"Thank you Lord Charles Andrew JR. How is Lady Howard doing?" Lord Reginald asks.

"My Duchess is doing very well." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lord Reginald " How is your wife?"

"My Duchess is well." Lord Reginald states, "Busy as ever with our children."

"I have brought my daughter, Lady Ida with me. I am sure that your son will find her beautiful." Lord Reginald tells Lord Charles Andrew JR.

"Lady Ida is well educated. She knows how to dance, sing, keep a household, and she is very capable of having healthy children." Lord Reginald states.

"I have four children myself." Lord Reginald states, ''but Lady Ida is our only daughter."

"I have three sons, Lord Edmund, Lord Thomas, Lord Richard." Lord Reginald tells Lord Charles Andrew JR.

"All my children are married but my youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lord Reginald.

"Isn't your son 24 years old, Lord Howard?" Lord Grey asks.

"Yes my son is 24 years old and he should have already been married and he is chasing after a young woman that isn't interested in him." Lord Charles Andrew JR explains.

"Has your son met Mademoiselle Karissa?" Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"I have heard of Mademoiselle Karissa via Lord Collins. It is his opinion that she will marry into an aristocratic family." Lord Reginald explains.

"I don't believe my sons have had the pleasure of meeting her." Lord Reginald tells him.

"I have given my son the option to choose either Lady Ida or Lady Margery Seymour." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"I want Lady Ida to meet Lord Andrew Charles and then I will ask Lord Reynold Seymour to bring Lady Margery to Norfolk Territory." Lord Charles Andrew JR explains.

"I am prepared to give Lord Andrew Charles a handsome dowry." Lord Reginald explains.

"It is not so much about the dowry but to procure a heir or heiress for Norfolk Territory." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Do you have an heir yet?" Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"Neither of my sons have married yet. Lord Edmund was born until 2255 and Lord Thomas wasn't born until 2260 and Lord Richard wasn't born until 2265." Lord Reginald states.

Lord Edmund is in the process of deciding to marry either Lady Elizabeth Lancaster or Lady Katherine Mowbray." Lord Reginald states.

Lord Charles Andrew JR escorts Lord Reginald Grey and his daughter, Lady Ida to Norfolk Estate and Lady Patricia is waiting outside to greet them and Lord Reginald walks up to Lady Patricia "Good Day, Lady Howard. How is your brother, Lord James Alexander?" Lord Reginald asks her.

"My brother is well Lord Grey, the last time I heard."Lady Patricia tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles is standing outside with his mother and Lord Grey walks up to Lord Andrew Charles " Good Day Lord Andrew Charles. Your father has asked me to introduce you to my daughter, Lady Ida." Lord Grey tells him.

Lady Ida Grey walks up and she curtsy to Lord Andrew Charles and he bows, " It is very nice to meet you Lady Ida." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"It is my pleasure, Lord Andrew Charles. " Lady Ida tells him " We have refreshments in the drawing room and please come into Norfolk Estate."

Lord Andrew Charles escorts Lady Ida into the drawing room and they are chaperoned by Lady Ida governess and they sit down on the couch and Lord Andrew Charles asks " What are your interests?"

"My interests vary, Lord Howard. I like to play the piano, dance, sing, I enjoy music, I love literature and I love to embroider, and I know how to keep a house." Lady Ida explains.

"What are your interests?" Lady Ida asks.

"My interests vary to music, reading, art, literature, dancing, archery, horse-back riding, and hunting." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"How do you feel about having children?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I want children, Lord Andrew Charles but only after I marry." Lady Ida exclaims.

"How many children do you want?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"As many as my husband can give me." Lady Ida answers.

Lord Andrew Charles just smiles as he serves Lady Ida some refreshments but at the end of the visit he has not come to a decision and Lord Reginald and Lady Ida return to Suffolk Territory.

Lord Charles Andrew JR looks at his son "How did you find Lady Ida. She is very charming, and very beautiful." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"Lady Ida is very beautiful indeed, father. " Lord Andrew Charles answers, " I don't see myself marrying Lady Ida Grey."

"I plan to invite Lord Reynolds Seymour and his daughter, Lady Margery Seymour to Norfolk Estate." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at his father " I won't give up on Karissa, father. I love her and I will marry her." Lord Andrew Charles tells her father.

"Mademoiselle Karissa will deck you, Lord Andrew Charles. Maybe that will take just that to make you realize that she won't marry you." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"Don't go to Bedford Territory as Lord Richard William Carey has banned you from entering his territory and we don't want the United Federation of Planets to interfere with what Lord Patrick William Howard created in 2165." Lord Charles Andrew JR explains.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at his father " I won't marry any woman that I don't love." Lord Andrew Charles states.

Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent Territoryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें