The Great-Great-Great-Grandparents

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Lord Patrick William Howard is the second son of Lord Edward Howard and Lady Elizabeth Stuart who live in Norfolk. England.

Lord Patrick William Howard was born in 2120 and he graduated from Oxford University with a Masters degree in Architecture in 2143, and he marries Lady Margaret Penelope Devereux in 2145, and they decide to put off starting their family until they get settled in their new home that Lord Edward Howard gives to them.

However, Lord Patrick William Howard is given a position in an architectural firm where he can use his skills in drafting and blueprints.

Everything is going well, from 2145-2150, but Lord Patrick William hears about the onset of World War III that began in 2126 but no one really takes it seriously.

Just when Lord Patrick William and Lady Penelope decide to start their family together. Lord Patrick William in April of 2153 hears the news of World War III is about to break-out and he receives a dream to go door to door and ask the most important families to travel with him to Star Base 12 that is governed by the United Federation of Planets.

Lord Patrick William asks his brother-in-law, Lord Richard Devereux to go with him and they start to knock on door to door and Lord Patrick asks the head of every family to come with Lord John and him and their wives to Heathrow International Airport in London, England on April 30, 2153

Lord Patrick William knows many the families and he asks, Lord John Carey, Lord Edmund Beaufort, Lord Reginald Grey, Lord Robert Alexander Stuart, Lord John Churchill, Lord Reynolds Seymour, Lord Maxilliam Habsburg, Lord Robert Bourbon and Lord Charles Valois and their wives to board the USS Excalibur with Lord Richard Devereux and him and their wives on April 30, and that they have enough time to pack up only what they can carry by hand in suitcases on board the USS Excalibur.

Lord Edward Howard thinks Lord Patrick William has lost his mind, but Lord Patrick William explains " Oh! So father, so did the people on Noah's day when his creator told him to build the ark and take his family with him and collect 7 clean animals of each sex and 2 unclean animals of each of sex and his neighbors thought the same thing about Noah but what did happened the flood came and everyone but Noah and his family and the animals he collected were saved from drowning."

"I have the families that are going with Lord John, Lady Elizabeth and Lady Margaret and me on board the USS Excalibur. "Lord Patrick William explains.

"Remember what Christ taught, Thief in the night doesn't tell you when he is coming." Lord Patrick William explains.

"I read about the onset of World War Three and it is out to break-out and overseas there have been many demonstrations about this war breaking out." Lord Patrick tells his father.

Lord Patrick William and Lord John take one last trip out to Bosworth field where their ancestors died fighting for King Richard III in 1485.

On April 30, 2153, the families joined Lord Patrick William Howard at Heathrow International Airport and they boarded The USS Excalibur whose captain is Captain Jonathan Archer.

The next morning on May 1, 2153, the world changes forever when The ECON launches the first nuclear weapon and on the immediate impact over sixty-billion people die and they didn't know what hit them as the ECON launched it at 11:30 PM EST and almost all the major cities were destroyed including, London, Paris, Stockholm, New York, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Istanbul, and many others.

Captain Archer tells his passengers that the International Red Cross hasn't been able to compile a list of the casualties yet, but according to them not many were left and if they did they would be affected by radiation sickness.

Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent TerritoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon