Lord Andrew Charles's Bride Arrives- Part Two

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Lord Andrew Charles' Bride Arrives Part Two

Lord Andrew Charles Howard aged 24 years old has finally found his bride, 19 year old, Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR doesn't understand why his youngest son is pursuing a young woman that has no interest in him or any other man but for a platonic friendship.

"Lord Andrew Charles. Why do you chase this young woman when it is clear she wants only a platonic friendship from any man?" Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"I can change her mind father and I won't stop until I do." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father " She is the one I have been looking for the last four years of my life."

"Lord Andrew Charles. She is not even an aristocrat or from a gentry family. She comes from an ordinary family from Post World War Planet Earth." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Father. The woman that King George VI loved was not an aristocrat. She was the only woman that King George VI would marry." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"If I am not right his mother wouldn't interfere with their relationship and she turned him down three times before she agreed to marry him." Lord Charles Andrew JR states "She had her misgivings about becoming a member of the royal family."

"I won't give up father." Lord Andrew Charles explains, " She will be the mother of your precious heir or heiress then you will be happy."

"I would have been happy if one of your elder brothers had a child." Lord Charles Andrew JR states, "Lord Patrick and Lady Paulina have a happy marriage and after 17 years of marriage no children, and I know that Lord Charles Andrew Howard III is not happy but neither was I with your mother, but we knew our duty towards our family and we muddled through it." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"I don't want to have to muddle through my marriage, father. I want to be happy and I want children but I want my children to be with Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"What does Mademoiselle Karissa have to say about all of this?" Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"Karissa doesn't talk much when we are together. Our conversations are rather clean and they consist of talking about literature, music, and dancing." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"There is no wrong about intelligent conversation, Lord Andrew Charles. I wish I had that with your mother." Lord Charles Andrew JR states, "You need to find common ground with Mademoiselle Karissa."

"Karissa talks about things I never heard about." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father " I mean she knows a lot about music, literature, art, and singing."

"Maybe, you need to brush up on your Arts and Humanities." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR explains.

"I wouldn't talk about marriage or lust, Lord Andrew Charles or you may ruin your chance." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"What if she brings it up, father?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"Well, Lord Andrew Charles. It is her option to open up the conversation with the subject." Lord Charles Andrew JR states, "The question is how are you going to react if she does bring up the subject?"

"Father. I am not well versed in the subject." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"What subject, Lord Andrew Charles? Why did I spend all that damn money on your education at the Parochial school? Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"Lord Andrew Charles. You better polish up on some of those subjects that she might talk about. " Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"I mean father about the subject about sex?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

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