He held up a ball and a flat, circular object and explained, "Every examinee will have three targets. You can place them where ever you like, as long as it's an exposed area on your body. Places like the sole of your feet are not allowed. You'll each get six balls to carry. If a ball hits the target, it will light up. If all three lights up, you lose. An individual who lands the third hit will be credited with a 'take-down.' Those who have at least two take downs pass. Those are the rules."

          "Yer' gonna lose," Bakugou said over her shoulder.

          "Wanna bet?"

          "Hell yeah," he sneered dramatically, "Loser has to carry the winner everywhere for a month."

          Her eyes glinted beneath its cover, "You sure about that?"

          "You think I'm gonna lose? In your dreams, blind bat."



          "... Me too," a voice joined them and she turned to see Shoto, "I wanna bet too."

          He looked determined. Arisa was confused, "Why?"

          "I can't let him carry you."

          Hearing this, Bakugou yelled, "Hah?! You saying I'm gonna lose to her?!"

          "Yes," he turned his gaze away from the boy to the girl, "Anyway. Arisa, we'll go our separate ways. I'll see you at the end."

          "Don't lose, Shoto."

          "I won't."

          Suddenly, the examiner spoke again as Shoto smiled lightly at her, ignoring the seething boy who was practically attached on Shoto, trying to bite his head off.

          "Well the, once the expansion is complete, balls and targets will be distributed. We'll start one minute after you have all spread out."

          Shoto seemed confused for a moment and looked up, "Expansion?"

          Arisa did the same and looked up just as the ceiling lifted and the walls fell backwards, revealing the sky and seats of a typical stadium. Arisa was surprised by this — she honestly didn't expect the enclosed area to actually be this large of an area. Around them were different areas with different terrains and the participants were all gawking at the sight.

          "Woah," Arisa voiced before jumping once in elation, "Cool!"

          Soon, the targets and the balls were distributed and Arisa placed one of her abdomen, one on her left deltoid and another on her right outer thigh. The participants all spread out and Class 1-A stuck together with Izuku up front, calling out, "If it's just about the first to pass, there's no point in us trying to compete with each other. The best way is for us who all know each other's abilities to team up together!"

          Bakugou, immediately ran from the flock, yelling, "No way, this isn't a field trip!"

          Kirishima ran after him, "Wait, hold on, you idiot!"

          "I'm out too. If we're in a group, I can't demonstrate my abilities," he was about to leave but stopped and caressed Arisa's cheek for a moment, stunning the girl as he smiled uncharacteristically and left, "Don't lose, Arisa."

          Her cheek warmed and she cleared her throat, "Me too. I can't stay. See ya'll at the end!"

          Arisa ran off, missing how Izuku reached out as if to stop her. Ochako did the same.

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