A Stickmin's tale

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Requested by: Raphael30090
3rd POV

The sounds of power rose around the room as sparks of electricity followed, the power and force overwhelming as the Scientists backed away or shielded their eyes. "Sir! The Machine is overloading, They won't make it!" The Assistant cried the Head Scientist scoffed. "We aint stoppin' till they are created! We have to create the perfect one, or else may the world be doomed!" He ordered. "Full Power!" He yelled. "But sir, that's a chaos level of 10.23! Way over the normal levels of 9!" Another Assistant warned. "If 9 aint workin' then 10 might..." he ordered the other scientists just nodded and did as they were told increasing the power of chaos energy the power became to overwhelming, too blinding... "Sir!" One of the assistant yelled as they were all pushed back into the walls of the lab...bodies slamming against them and nearly knocked them unconscious...

"Ugh" The Head Scientist grasped his head looking through shattered goggles...god how is he not blind yet? He took them off and rubbed the back of his neck...then heard the sounds of a baby...

He rushed over to what remained of their machine and looked over to find an infant...a tiny baby their just crying their eyes out as they shivered...he picked the baby up and wrapped it around the scarf he had around his neck... "Sir?" One of the assistants says a little disoriented as the man chuckled...

"We did it..."

"Welcome to the world No.123"

No.123 POV

8 years later

I was busy reading a book Papa gave me...it was all about colors...why do I need to know about colors? I sighed as I held onto a teddy bear he gave me in the small very white room...it had a little bed and sometimes Papa would let me draw...when we're not doing tests with the other children he calls my siblings...what are siblings? Papa says they're family...what's a family? Hmm...

"No.123?" A lady showed up...she's my doctor...I think? She always checks on me anyway. I look behind her curiously. "Your uhh...Papa wants to see you." She says as I stood up and followed her...she lead me to the room where all the other children go...it was time for another test...

Hm...that's strange...there's less children here?

I would always count the children here...because I get bored...

Where are No. 5, 78 and 35? Hmm...

"Alright listen up kids." Father announces coming into the room. "Good morning all of you." He greets. "Good morning Papa" We reply...

"Now, as some of you may notice that...there are a few of you missing from here..." He informed as everyone looked around...how ignorant... "So I will tell you what happened to them...your siblings got too sick so they can't join us for the tests, which means...they failed...if you fail you get too sick to do the tests and you can't do them anymore...you understand me kids?" He asks. "Yes Papa" we all reply but that just itched my curiosity...

Maybe they weren't strong enough?

"Now...we will begin with the testing...try not to get sick ok?" He instructed...

10 years later...

It's been years...

So much has changed...the tests kept happening over and over...slowly we started to minimize...

First 23




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