VH but Charles and Henry make friends With a Toppat.

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Requested by: SageNinjaMorro
(A little ask, is your user name based on Ninjago?)

3rd POV
Running through the halls, Jacked ran in fear, he didn't want to die! Not yet! He had to survive, he ran as fast as he could to the escape pods, seeing a lot of unconscious members and others dead from lack of oxygen, Jacked ran faster, the bodies frightened him...he was afraid, he needed to survive, he made it to one of the escape pod rooms, one was already boarded, the other one was for the best of the best and they had already left...

The last escape pod was going to be inhabited by government agents. He had no choice....he NEEDED to survive.

"WAIT! Please Let me in! I don't wanna die here!" Jacked begged.

Henry looked at the Toppat, seeing himself in the man's eyes, his fear, his desperation to survive. Charles too looked at the man with pity, it would be against his moral code and both men decided to take him in.

They all made it to Earth safely, but during that time, Charles and Henry calmed the man down, he was crying and thanking them, also even shaking, but thankfully he calmed down.

When they arrived on Earth, they both went their separate ways....
Jacked thanked the two and they went off, Henry and Charles decided to never report the Toppat and all the other Toppats except Jacked were arrested.

A few months later, a new bakery opened up and during their break, Henry and Charles decided to check it out, only to find a familiar person. Jacked though, spoke first.

"Hey! It's you guys!....um....sorry....I didn't catch your name...." Jacked remarked feeling a bit guilty.

"Name's Charles, and this is my partner, Henry! I didn't know you owned a bakery....um....mister...?" Charles replied. Though asked afterwards.

"Jacked! Nice to meet you Charles and Henry! Say...your early, wanna try out a few samples?" Jacked asked.

Both Henry and Charles nodded and started Chatting for a while about what happened to the other.

Jacked loved baking ever since his Ma would bake the best desserts that he could ever ask. He always wanted be a baker, but he didn't have enough funds to support a business, he said that after the Toppats were arrested, most of their insurance were given to him and soon, he had a bakery.

Meanwhile Henry and Charles chatted about their recent missions and what they do in their jobs. They would always have fun and have a good time, they are now trying to take down an infamous thief that had recently escaped The Wall and have hope they can take her down.

No hard feelings were shared between the men, Charles, Henry and Jacked were just doing their respected jobs as Government and Toppat, with the addition to the orbital station, the Toppats would've been so frustrating to handle and unstoppable.

Jacked never held a grudge on government officials because he knows they are only doing their jobs despite the justice system having a few flaws. Jacked only went into poverty because his father was a jerk and took all him and his Ma's money and Jacked couldn't afford the medical bills after his Ma died of old age.

The two men started to hang out more and the secret that Jacked was a Toppat was kept hidden.

Both exchanged numbers and accepted Jacked as their family,while Jacked cried happy tears.

Soon enough they were roommates....

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