Evil Genius Birthday Special

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Requested by Raphael30090
Happy birthday man! Or at least I think-
(Idk it was day when I wrote this and it's Thursday)

3rd POV
Jacob was ecstatic about today, his face bubbling up in excitement, the one day he was on his day off and suddenly, he got a message from his sister! It had been so long since he'd seen her...the last time Jacob had seen her, their mom kicked her out because she was in juvie...

There must've been an explanation! He thought, and having not seen his sister in so long he'd rather try to hear it. "A restaurant just opened downtown" the letter said, telling him to meet her there. He was excited! Finally! They get to reunite!

Dr.V crusaded amongst the silent shores of the ocean, she had just received a message from Bill about a situation with Henry Stickmin...she couldn't believe he had survived the van falling...he was supposed to be dead! She sighed and waited for any suspicious activity...and there it was sitting in front of her, a boat in the middle of the ocean...strange. There wasn't any trading boats scheduled upon the shores today...upon closer inspection of her binoculars, they were former criminals...

Suspicious activity indeed...

Jacob went inside the restaurant, looking around... "Psst!" He heard someone call, it was Ellie! She was here, in the flesh! Jacob excitedly walked towards the table she was sitting in. "Ells!" He shouted happily, giving her a hug. "I missed you!" Jacob said hugging her tightly, "Missed you too, bro..." Ellie said somewhat ominously...they sat in their respective seats. "How are you?" Jacob said eyes gleaming. "Oh, I'm good...you?" Ellie asked, a small smile covering her face. "You wouldn't believe, how much chaos has been happening! And I thought security guard jobs were easy!" Jacob said somewhat complaining, then noticed Ellie's ring. "You're married?!" He asked, catching Ellie off guard and causing her to chuckle. "Yep! With 3 kids even..." she spoke chuckling as she saw how proud her brother was "Good for you! And congrats!" He said proudly, after all these years, Ellie has a life now outside Juvie... "How about you? Still single?" Ellie teased, causing Jacob to pout, "Hey! I didn't get your beautiful face! Most I got is a stable job!" Jacob said, only causing Ellie to chuckle. The siblings talked for hours in that restaurant, ordering drinks in their spare time...though Ellie would be here for a different reason...

Dr. V snuck upon the boat...disguising herself as one of the guards. The boat was trading weapons and CCC technology across the boarders, where did they even get all of this? No matter, stick to the plan...Dr.V waited till they arrived at the docks. Two men were waiting for them. "Are these the dough?" They asked, the person doing the trading nodded, "Good, wait a moment, the boss wants to talk to you..." The man said. The trading person nodded, signaling Dr.V and their crew to leave the boat. Then they waited...Dr.V hoped this "boss" wasn't who she thought it was...

Jacob and Ellie sat in the restaurant, Jacob started feeling nauseous his vision becoming hazy. "Are you alright, brother?" Ellie asked...Jacob didn't know if she was smiling or that was part of his hazy vision. Nonetheless he collapsed. That's when Ellie signaled something. The restaurant was a ruse, multiple people dressed as civilians cleaning up the place. "Take him back to base." Ellie ordered, the people obeyed, taking Jacob's unconscious body to the back of the restaurant and into a black van. Ellie was excited...

Their first Test Subject...

Dr.V stared at the "boss" as all her prayers of it being a different person were left unanswered...there he was in the flesh...

Henry Stickmin...

How? The man was supposed to die along with Ellie Rose. Does that mean she was alive too? If that's so, we have a ruthless, cunning and savage woman and a calm, silent, collective man running a criminal organization. Those two would be unstoppable! Just then, "Sir! Savanna was knocked unconscious in the back!" One of the crew members said. "But if Savanna was there, then who are you?!" The Captain spoke.


Dr. V bolted off, ready to hide herself in the forest where she wouldn't be found (and could probably contact the CCC) but was shot in the leg, by none other than Henry Stickmin. "You really should get better uniforms for your crew...those masks just give you away..." Henry suggested. The Captain just nodded as Henry stepped towards her. Dr.V's leg burned...the bullet grazing her skin. Henry removed her masked and revealed the doctor's identity. "Tsk tsk tsk...Dr. Vinschpinsilstein...you and your CCC members know better than to mess with me..." Henry threatened then knocked her unconscious with the back of his gun. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number... "Ellie, my rose...it seems like we have an extra Test Subject..." Henry spoke grinning...

Jacob woke up strapped onto a chair...Ellie was right in front of him...by instinct he began squirming against the binds... "E-Ells! What-what is this?!" Jacob said scared, Ellie just lifted herself from kneeling and cupped his cheek...shushing him. "It's alright...you're going to be ok..." She assured. "Then why am I tied up, what are you doing?!" Jacob was frightened, was this why Ellie was in Juvie? Was she really a criminal? Ellie just hugged his head rubbing the back of his head, Jacob started to tear up. He was scared, what was Ellie going to do to him? "As much as I hate to hurt my adorable brother, You really were the only contestants available." Ellie spoke giving a sympathetic voice on her face. "I've already messed with your mind in a...plethora of different ways anyway..." she remarked, Jacob shuddered. "W-what?" Jacob asked, Ellie chuckled in response. "Oh really there is a reason you don't remember why I was in Juvie in the first place, though unlike erasing memories..."

"This is going to hurt for a little while..."

Ellie pressed the button as her brother's screams echoed the room...

Dr.V waited in the other room, they weren't as soundproof as they were, she could hear someone, a man, he sounded like he was just suffering in there. She was worried that's what they'll try to do to her next...

The screams had stopped...

And after awhile, Henry came in.

"Your turn..."

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