A Time Travelers burdens

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Requested by _Unquiet-Flare-220_

He ran and ran in the dark void. His rung to him that he needed to stop. His breathing getting more intense as his legs started to weaken. He couldn't take it. He wishes he could but he can't. He's so tired. But he has to keep running in this black void....
Finding his ending....find the right ending. MAKE THE RIGHT ENDING! Or maybe he's being selfish? What if this is punishment? Is this what he deserves?

The voices grow louder by the minute as he hears the lines from different timelines at the same time.

"I helped you escape, and you just...left me"

"See without you, I become the leader of the Toppat Clan"

"It was a pretty good plan....could say it was the greatest-"

"Nobody gets away from the Toppat Clan, As soon as we got into orbit I made sure to go down and capture you"

He hated it. Every ending that went wrong, either be betrayed or saw him as an enemy. He ran and covered his ears. He didn't know where to go, just ran until the voices stopped.

"Jump, or I'll make you jump"

"You! Curse you!"

"You! I'm gonna delete you!"

It hurts....he loves them all....and it hurts....why? Why do these endings exist? Why was he so selfish...? Why? Keep running....Keep running. Wake up!

Wake up?


Henry gasped and jolted at the sudden voice. It was dark...about....12 in the morning? He looked around. Ellie and Charles were right in front of him. They looked scared....no....concerned. There faces were the most upset Henry had seen them in. He was still panting, his hand instantly held his chest. "Hey....buddy..." Charles spoke and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright....it was just a nightmare..." "Yeah, Henry....just breathe..." Ellie spoke before both of them wrapped their arms around Henry.


It had been 3 years since Triple Threat....not much had gone smoothly. The Toppats had escaped again and their only prototype to space was destroyed. The Toppats are planning in building another launch to space since the station hasn't been destroyed yet. The Wall and CCC somewhat decided to step in. The Wall as some sort of backup and the CCC because the Toppats stole very valuable tech. Unsurprisingly, they were not happy with Henry and Ellie's presence despite the fact that both are now pardoned. The Triple Threat has since yet come out of temporary leave. Since then Henry has had nightmares that Ellie and Charles don't even know why.

Henry has been struggling to tell them, to just tell them....but, he's sound crazy....mad....he didn't want to lose his friends because of a mental asylum. Sure, Ellie has abilities like "The Force" but not as crazy as Henry....they don't remember the time Ellie and Henry fused so it doesn't really matter. He can't tell them.
And it hurt that he was keeping a secret like this....

He had to find the right ending...

Or create one of his own.

But how? The only thing he could change is his decision when he fails....he couldn't change a whole timeline...

But that's not important right now....
His friends are now comforting him because of his scary nightmare. He must've had it bad this time...they usually wouldn't hear him at all when he had a horrible nightmare. Did he break something or-

"Hey, Henry, calm down. If you keep stressing out you'll tire yourself faster" Ellie spoke in a soft voice. He gave up and just eased into the cuddle. He sighed. Somewhat coming to his senses.

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