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It was extremely nervewracking to bring Ellie home to my parents. I didn't want to make the wrong impression or have my mom hate Ells. But luckily, they bonded and that's all I wanted.

Her and I weren't a couple...yet. But, I didn't know if I was ready to take myself to that level and commit myself to a relationship. I mean shit, we practically were dating at this point. I told Ells how I felt, how I was scared of getting hurt or hurting her. She tells me that she won't hurt me. Anyone can say that, and think they are going to keep their word. But something can always happen, and we don't know what the future will hold.

I wanted to make sure I could trust myself and trust Ellie. She didn't give me a reason to hate or distrust her, but, I wanted to keep this little thing going, see if she truly was interested in me.


We had to drive a good hour back to the stadium since Ells and I decided to stay by my parents. I got our stuff loaded into the car and waited for Ellie to get in the passenger seat before beginning our drive to the stadium.

"Did you have fun?" I ask Ell, glancing over at her.

Ellie looked up from her phone and nodded with a smile on her lips. "I had so much fun. I love your mom." She laughed. "She's super nice and caring."

I nod, smiling. "Yeah, she's the best. She really enjoyed your company as well."

"Did she say that?" Ellie asked, looking over at me. "What else did she say?"

I shrug, "She just said you were really polite and that she knows that you mean good company. She definitely wouldn't be mad if you and I dated." I chuckle, looking over at her as we approached a red light. "She really liked you, don't worry."

She nodded. "Okay, good. I didn't want to be hated or anything. Your brother was very chatty too."

"That's John for ya." I say, chuckling.

When we got to the stadium, Ellie got out, fixing her skirt and grabbed her backpack and waited for me. I got out a couple moments later grabbing my bag as we walked into the stadium.

"Judge! You got your girl with you!" Giancarlo exclaimed and I just rolled my eyes.

"I got my roomie Ellie with me, yeah!" I laugh, "She's just doing the numbers."

"Oh, fuck. Isn't that a lot of work with all of us?"

Ellie shrugged. "Surprisingly, no. It can be a little fun at times, actually. Especially if the game is entertaining." She explains her job. "Usually I focus on a couple of players a night, and other people take care of the others."

"So you get to do Aaron's numbers?"

"Sometimes! I don't think he's on my list tonight." She explains more and I stood off to the side as she talked.

Once she finished, she walked by me and smiled. "You didn't have to wait up for me! I gotta go up to the press box and then I'll be down on the field." She told me and I nodded, going into the clubhouse.

"So, Judge." I hear Giancarlo and I stop, turning around to face him. "Have you asked her out yet?"

I sigh. "I mean, I told her how I felt. Kind of scared to date." I admit to him.

"Because of Laci?"

I nod, taking a deep breath. "Yeah..." I took off my street shoes, changing into my cleats. "I don't want to hurt her. I trust her, and I really enjoy her company, and I don't really want to see her with anyone else."

G nodded. "Then you need to say fuck it, and give it a try. I know you won't hurt her. You're a good guy, I'm sure it'll be great." He sighed, "I see how you look at her. I see how you give her your full attention when she's talking to you. I see how you care for her. You got something there, Aaron." He told me and I just nodded, he was right.

"Yeah, you're right." I tell him, "I mean, I literally was so shocked when she walked in. I had seen her pictures on social media but I didn't think she would look exactly like that in person." I laugh. "I will admit that I was an asshole at first and bringing home girls wasn't really a great first impression,

"I haven't been out, I haven't been flirting with other girls, like, she's the only one I give my full, undivided attention to." I admitted. I hadn't told this to anyone yet and I was a little surprised in myself I was basically having a therapy session with my teammate.

"I'm proud of you, Judge. You're really stepping up. Maybe Ellie is the right girl you need in your life. Someone to hold you down and show you what it's like to be in love." Gian said as he stood up. "Let's go to BP."


We won our game and I was feeling really good about my performance. Ellie was waiting outside of the clubhouse and smiled at me when I made my way out of there.

"Good job, super star!" She said as she hugged me. "You did really good." She smiled up at me.

"Thanks, Ells." I smile at her and rub her back before pulling away from the hug and put my backpack on my shoulders. "Ready to go? I'm thinking we order some Chipotle to the hotel."

Ellie nodded. "I'm fine with that. I'm starving." I held my hand out to Ellie and I could tell she hesitated about taking it but then laced our fingers together as we walked out to the bus.

"You're okay with this?" She asked as we made our way to the parking lot.

"I got nothing to lose, Ells." I look down at her. "It's us holding hands. If people wanna talk? Let them." I laugh. "The only ones who know the whole truth are you and I."

She nodded. "It took me by surprise that you held out your hand. You haven't really been one for PDA or anything in front of your friends. Don't they know what happened?" She laughed.

I laugh, looking down at my phone in my other hand. "A couple of them, but those are my closest friends. I trust them with those sort of things."

Ellie nodded, getting on the bus and sat in the window seat. "I mean, makes me feel good that you have people you trust."

I nod, putting in one of my Airpods. Before I put in the other one, Ellie leaned over and pressed her lips against mine. I smile small before kissing her back and pulled away. "Ballsy."

"Sometimes it's better when the lights are off."

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