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I dress up in something a little more fitting for a baseball game instead of looking like I had just rolled out of bed. I slip on a Yankees quarter zip and a pair of black high waisted jeans before applying some light makeup and made my way over to the stadium.

I flash my badge as I made my way through the employee entrance. I noticed the guys were already on the field starting to warm up.

I look down at my phone as I walk into a lounge to grab a bottle of water as I crack that open, taking a drink.

"Damn, who let you through security?" Aaron asks as he leans against the doorway.

"Being cute has its perks," I tease back, looking over at him.

Aaron approaches me and rests a hand on my waist, smirking at me. "You look good, when did you get this shirt?" He asks me, clearly noticing it was partially unzipped.

"Like a week ago.." I laugh. "Aren't you supposed to be on the field?"

Aaron nodded. "Yeah, but I forgot my gloves and noticed someone in the lounge. Had to see who it was."

I blush, shaking my head as we keep eye contact with one another. "You know what you would look better in, though?" He asks me, "My name and number."

I shrug, "I don't know, I was thinking about buying a Rizzo jersey," I joke, and he holds his chest dramatically,

"Can't believe you would say something like that!" He gasps and I giggle.

"Find me one and maybe I'll wear it," I tell him, smirking.

"Oh, baby, I got tons." He runs out of the lounge, going to I assume grab a jersey. He comes back less than five minutes later with one of his jerseys and holds it out to me, "Here."

I take it from him and slide it over the shirt I was already wearing, "Hm, I look better in it anyways," I tell him, smiling.

"You do, damn." I do a little twirl in the mirror before his hand is back on my waist and he leans down to kiss me. I can't help but blush and kiss him back. We kiss for a few moments before I pull back and look at him,

"A little risky kissing me in public, huh?" I question, playing with a button on his jersey,

"Fine by me," He says and I just shake my head. He moves to walk away and I pull him back, smiling at him,

"You look good in pinstripes. Your butt looks great," I giggle and he just backs me up against the wall, kissing me. I allow the kiss to happen for a couple seconds before pulling back and looked at him, "Go play your game, I got numbers to crunch."

Aaron nods, walking out of the lounge and I follow behind him, not too close, though, I didn't want people to get the wrong idea.

I'm sure that his friends were aware of what happened with us. He seems like the type of guy that can't keep his damn mouth shut. I expected that to happen anyways, with an ego like his, you know he was always talking.

I made my way to the dugout a couple of minutes after he did and I smile at Aaron's friends that I had met before. I make my way to the other side before grabbing my laptop out of my bag and took a seat on a chair, making myself comfortable for the next two and a half hours.


Aaron did amazing at the plate. Drove in two runs, crushed two bombs. He truly was going to be breaking records this season.

When I got home, he still wasn't home yet, which was expected and I decided to order some Chinese as I was too tired to even think about cooking dinner. I kicked my shoes off, tying my hair up in a messy bun as I waited for the Chinese to get here.

There was a knock at the door and before I went to open it, it was already being opened up and Aaron was the one behind the door.

"You don't have to knock, silly." I tell him as he chuckles and shrugs, setting his bag down and looked at me,

"When did you get home?"

"About twenty minutes ago. I ordered some Chinese food. I'm too lazy to make anything,"

He laughed, "Awesome, because I wasn't going to make anything either." He said and I laughed, walking back into the living room.

"You did really good today, by the way." I tell him, causing him to turn around and smile at me,

"Thanks. Told you that you were my good luck charm." Aaron said with a wink and I felt my cheeks flush up again. God damnit.

"I was just there to crunch numbers. You do all the hard work on your own, Judge." I tell him going to answer the door when the food arrives. I thank them, then close the door walking into the kitchen to set the food down. "I get to sit there and analyze all your times at bat."

Aaron shrugged, digging into some food, "So you get to stare at me all day, wow, lucky you." He said with a smirk.

"There were some cute guys on the Mets, though." I say, giggling, "I think they were better to look at."

"Excuse me?" He said, cocking an eyebrow at me, "Why look at them when you can literally gawk at me all you want?"

I shrug, "They're cuter, and probably aren't douchebags like you," I spit back, taking a drink of my wine.

"Oh, so that's how you wanna play," He tells me, pouring himself a glass of wine, "I see how it is, Davis."

"I'm not doing anything but telling you the truth."

He shook his head at me. "You're just lying to yourself to protect yourself. You already told me I had a cute butt,"

I look at him, "So? Other baseball players could have cute butts. Your teammate Oswaldo has a nice butt. Probably nicer than yours,"

He rolled his eyes, "Okaaay, Ell. Whatever you say." He walked behind me, grabbing my ass before I blush more, looking back at him, "Sorry, my hand slipped."

"That's what they all say, Judge." I giggle and grab his hand to further stop him from grabbing my ass again. "And, hands off."

"Not allowed to touch what's mine?" He smirked and I blush more.

"I'm not yours,"

"Not what you said yesterday," Aaron said before walking into his room.

"Hey!" I huff, crossing my arms as he turns around, "You're gonna leave me all alone to eat dinner?"

Aaron shrugged, "Aw, want a little dinner date?"

I laugh, shaking my head, "No, just don't like eating alone.." I say, looking down at my hands. Aaron smiled and walked over into the living room, taking a seat on the couch and I join him, sitting across from him.

"Oh, so you just like the company?" He asked me and I nod,

"Yeah, I mean, I sit alone in my room but, you're actually home and I'm starting to tolerate you more, so I think it would be a nice roommate thing to eat dinner together." I tell him, taking a bite of my food.

Aaron smirked and looked at me, "Starting to tolerate me?"

I blush, shaking my head, "Like, I don't know how to explain it.."

He laughed, "Since we fucked, you've been more nice to me."

"I mean, I'm not gonna be a shit roommate just because we fucked." I laugh, "You're not too shabby when you're sober and not thinking about bringing other girls home."

Aaron shrugged, "That makes me feel better about things..."

"What do you mean?" I look at him puzzled.

"Allows me to express my feelings more around you..."

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