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I was having such a great time with Garrett. I hadn't really felt appreciated or not just seen as a fuck and chuck in a while. Living with Aaron definitely made me have a different perspective on things.

"You look better in my clothes than I do, what the hell?" Garrett laughs, and I looked down, noticing I'm wearing his sweatshirt. I blush and shake my head.

I shrug, "Guess I'll have to keep it."

"Fine by me." He says, causing me to blush more. He moves the snacks from my lap and pulls me close to him, laying down so I could rest my head on his chest.

We hadn't kissed much or anything yet. I wanted to take things with a slow stride. I was really liking Garrett.

As we were giggling and cuddling, I hear the front door open, meaning Aaron was home. But surprise, surprise, he wasn't alone. He brought home another girl and she sounded like a real winner.

"That's probably your cue to go, unless you want to hear them fuck for the next two hours before she leaves and Aaron forgets who she even was."

Garrett laughed, shrugging. He hovers over me and I smile up at him, "What?"

"You're beautiful, Ellie." He says, kissing my forehead sofly. As his lips near mine, a loud moan is heard, causing us both to laugh before he stood up.

"No," I pout and grab his wrist, "Stay.." I say, giving him puppy dog eyes. Garrett just smiles and shakes his head, slipping his jacket on and I walk him downstairs.

"Thanks for having me over."

I nod, keeping my gaze on him. Once we bid our goodbyes, he pulls me close and kisses me. This one was with passion and care, something I didn't experience with Aaron except for the first time we kissed. Other than that, he just wanted me naked. Garrett was different.

"Have a good night, Ellie." He says before leaving for the night.


I'm still in Garrett's sweatshirt the next morning as I walk into the kitchen. Aaron looks at me confused.

"Who's sweatshirt is that? Because it surely isn't mine.." He says, and I just look at him laughing.

"It's Garrett's?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Someone jealous?"

Aaron shakes his head, "No, actually...What did you two do last night?"

"Well, we were going to watch a movie, but someone decided to bring home yet another trashy girl and ruin the entire night. So, he left after that." I say, rolling my eyes.

Aaron nodded, "Did you two do anything?"

"We kissed. That's it." I tell him, noticing how he comes and stands by me, his height towering over me.

"I bet he doesn't kiss like me." He says with a chuckle.

"No, he kisses way better." I shoot back, trying to hold back that my heart was racing a million miles a minute whenever Aaron looked at me a certain way. Something about the way he looked at me, I couldn't get over it.

"I don't believe you. You weren't moaning his name."

I nod. "Actually, he does kiss better than you. He actually didn't just want to get me out of my pants unlike someone in the room.."

"I bet if you kissed me again, it would jog your memory.." Aaron says and I just huff, pushing him away.

"Go away, Aaron. You're being annoying." I say before taking some food upstairs.

"You'll be thinking differently soon, princess." Aaron says before we parted ways.


"You could always stay by me." Garrett suggests, "Avoid seeing the trashy girl your roommate brings home tonight." He chuckled and I laughed too, knowing he was right.

We get to his place and it's just another frat crib. He leads me into the living room to get into his room.

"Garrett! Bout time you're home. We gotta --, oh, nevermind.." One of his roommates says.

Garrett turned to me, "This is Cam. He's one of my roommates. My other roommate, Jacob is with his girlfriend.." I nod, introducing myself to Cam.

"We'll be upstairs in my room." Garrett says before taking my hand and let me upstairs.

"Keep the volume down!" Cam calls out, chuckling.

"Your room is nice and tidy, definitely a change from what I'm used to seeing at home." I comment, laughing as he shuts the door behind us.

"Aaron not like keeping things clean?"

"Unless it's anything baseball? It's pretty disorganized."

Garrett shakes his head, going on his bed. He opens his arms and I move, sitting in his lap.

"I'm really glad you decided to come over tonight.." He said quietly as I leaned down to be closer to him. Our noses nudge one another before he molds his lips with mine, one of his hands grabbing my thigh.

My mind can't help but wonder to when Aaron and I were in my bed like this; How we both were basically the first ones to make a move, how he was tugging on my lips, begging to have his tongue against mine. Garrett instead took his time and slowly slipped his tongue inside.

My phone goes off and he pulls back, looking at me, then over to where my phone was sitting. I smile at him, pecking his lips before I grab my phone to see Aaron had texted me,


Think you can come home?

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