"Why do you think it's such a bad idea to trust humans?" Helbram asks. "They aren't like other races. They get into wars over the stupidest things!" King says, annoyed. "Yeah, but they have different kinds of cultures and ways of thinking that us fairies don't." Helbram explains, trying to defend the humans. "If you put your faith in them, it's going to come back and bite you." King says, trying to warn him. "If that ever happens, come and stop me, okay?" Helbram tells him, flying away. "After all, that's what best friends are for!"

Everything starts to blurry as Diane's voice is heard again. "Harlequin?" She asks, worriedly. "Helbram was my....best friend?" King asks himself, confused by what he just saw. "Is something coming back to you?" Diane asks. "He said that he was my best friend..." King said again. "Who was he? Who am I?"

Later that day

It was raining and Diane was terribly sick. "Hang on, Diane! I'm gonna go find some herbs!" He reassures her, about to fly off but is grabbed by her hand. "Please don't leave me...I don't want...to be alone....I've always hated being alone....Please don't leave me!" King's eyes widen as starts to remember hearing that before somewhere.

"Please don't leave me alone! Don't leave, Brother!" A fairy wearing a white dress with a big bow in the back, having beautiful yellow hair and brown eyes pleaded. "How am I supposed to protect the Forest without you?" "I can't leave Helbram alone! But, I promise I'll be back soon, Elaine. I promise!" He says, flying off to go find Helbram.

"Elaine?" King asks himself. "Diane! We don't have time for this! You have to let go! Let go, please!" "It's you two!" A familiar voice said, causing King to stop thrashing around in Diane's hold. "The human." King says in disbelief.

"This is the best remedy that I know for a fever. And it looks like she's settling down as well." The man says. King relaxes a bit before sighing. "Thanks for helping her and for the soup that you gave us the other day. It was delicious.: King says, shyly. "The other day?" The man asks, surprised. "It's been more like a few decades!" The man told him, showing King the bald top of his head.

'It was then that I realized.....how much time had gone by.'

A few days later

"Hey, come back here!" Diane yells, giggling while trying to catch King.

'And what a fairy thought was a short time, it was much longer for humans. A period that could span several of their lifetimes.

King kept dodging Diane before saying something that caught her interest. "To make this interesting, if you catch me, I'll grant whatever wish you want." "For real?" Diane asks, happily. "All right!" She yells, giving it her all to try and catch King.

King kept dodging her and making her follow him. As Diane was chasing him, her dress got caught on a dead tree and it ripped it off, showing her naked body. King stopped in his tracks, getting flustered for seeing Diane without her clothes on. "Diane! You clothes! Your clothes!" King yelled, but it fell on deaf ears as she caught King. "I got you, Harlequin!" She exclaimed happily. "Forget about that! Put some clothes on!" King told her. "But that was the only thing I had." Diane told him.

--Time Skip-- made possible by King's awesome tailor skills

"Wow, thank you so much, Harlequin!" Diane says, looking at her orange suit and orange boots as her hair was in pigtails. "I made it by tanning and sewing up the hide of a dusk bison." Harlequin explains, but Diane wasn't listening as she was more infatuated by her pigtails.

"Hey, do you think I could make some too?" Diane asks, excitedly. "Sure, I can teach you later. After all, I made my own clothes too." King says, but then starts to look deep in thought. 'I made....my own clothes?' He asks himself. He then gasps, remembering something from the past.

A New World (Seven Deadly Sins x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें