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The party ended in a blur as news began to spread non-stop. By the time, the power was back the audience has realize that Yu Jin was no where to be seen, her mother panicked and people raised assumption of her being kidnapped.

The guards were confused as the security chief gave a clue that some intruder might have broken into the hall. Mr. President became more furious than ever, his assistant was angry and worried about him.

He sent tons of officers and agents to go out there and secretly search for the missing kids. They couldn't find anything on the CCTV camera footage as well since Taehyung already gave Charlie a head up on how to avoid being cut on the CCTV monitor.

Taehyung entered into Jungkook's room and took the younger dairy, he thought it could be off help to let the president's know of the pain and suffering his child was going through after he became the father of the country.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Sir. The president's wants to see you." Taehyung tilted his head to stare at the young agent behind him before slowly nodding his head.

'i hope you forgive me but it's time.' he thought and spun on his heels before walking off to go see the president.

Getting into the office, Taehyung halt by the door and eyed the assistant who glared at him in return. The younger sigh and shook his head before inviting himself into the president's office.

Jimin as well, followed after Taehyung and as the agent notice this he turned and glared at the assistant before whipping his head towards the president who was gulping down a glass of alcohol.

"Sire, with all due respect I'd like to speak with you alone." Taehyung declared, unable to bear the assistant present in the room.

Seokjin looked up at Taehyung and tilted his head towards his cute assistant who has an angry expression spread over his baby face.

The president chuckled and slightly shook his head before keeping the alcohol on the table and cock a brow at the agent.

"Why is that?"

"I have something else to tell you. But I'm afraid i won't say anything if he stays with us." Taehyung elaborate and Seokjin nodded in understanding.

"Sire." Jimin called but kept his mouth shut per Seokjin's order.

"Give us the room." Seokjin said briefly before turning back to his alcohol and began to sip from his glass.

Jimin silently huff and spun around, leaving the two men alone.

"So? What is it that demands my assistant to leave the room?" Seokjin leisurely inquired, taking another sip from his alcohol.

"I don't think young master Jungkook was kidnapped." Taehyung clarify with confidence. It was the plan after all, make people think he was kidnapped before telling the truth that he escape but of cause Charlie's role play in all of it must be kept confidential.

Seokjin frowned at that and slowly tilted his head before slamming his fist on the table. "Then tell me what exactly happened??! Why has it bring disgrace upon me?!" The president yelled by which Taehyung was not even frightened.

"Here." The agent nonchalantly spoke and slowly thrutch Jungkook's diary towards the president's.

" I find this in his room." Taehyung spoke and watch as the president took the book and glanced at the cover page before throwing it into a basket by the side of his table. A basket that was meant for rubbish.

'i knew this would happen, he doesn't care at all about his son.' Taehyung sighed before bringing out a neatly folded paper from his blazer and thrutch it towards the president who then looked up, confused.

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