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No news has still been heard from the president's son whose birthday is now approaching -

"Shit! Are they still talking about that rebellious son?!" Yeonjun shouted as he closed the fridge and turned to look at the tv, placing a milk bottle on the dinning table.

"Mhm, and can you please lower your voice. It's 7am. Tae is still asleep."

"Okay okay lover boy. Besides, aren't you curious about something?"

"What?" Beomgyu inquired, hugging a cushion to his chest as he sat crisscrossed on the couch.

"About Mr. President's son. If they wanted to find him so bad, why didn't he just show us a photo of his son instead of using that blank figure on the media? That way he'd be easily recognize."

"Dummy! I guess you were busy grilling pork belly in hell when God was sharing sense. Don't you know it'd endanger the kid's life?"

"Oh, you have a point but still, i don't think Mr President is clean like Tae said. He must have done something to that poor child. That's why he ran away."

"Maybe. Who knows? But man, that kid is for sure extremely smart. Mr President might not have implants a tracking chip on him but he was smart enough to avoid using things that could link his location.

Like his phone, credit card and all other stuff." Beomgyu elaborate, thinking thoughtfully.

"Daebak. That's why even S-KIA couldn't find him. Woah."

(S-KIA means South Korean intelligence agency founded by me, because I don't even know if that exist)

"Jamkkan." Beomgyu suddenly said.

"Hey, what are you doing? I just started charging that laptop."

"Shut up. I'm only going to borrow it for a few minutes." Beomgyu said as he unplugged Yeonjun's laptop and place the device on his lap.

The older tsked in disbelief and shook his head before grabbing the cereals box and started pouring the content into a bowl before adding some milk.

The door suddenly opened, drawing Yeonjun's attention as he look up. "Annyeon Jungkook Hyung."

"Oi, Yeonjun-ah already having breakfast?"

"It's a warm up." The latter responded with a smile.

"An horse. He eats like an horse. It's nothing new." Beomgyu added, still focusing on the laptop.

"One more chance, you have one more chance before I forbid you from using my laptop."

Jungkook chuckled walking towards the fridge and grabbing a bottle of yogurt. "What are you doing Beomgyu?" He inquired, shoving a straw into the sealed cap before sipping the cold yogurt. Sighing at the satisfying refreshment.

"Something..." Beomgyu trail off, tapping away on the laptop.

"Mm, okay." Jungkook shrugged, taking a seat on the opposite high stool before Yeonjun's.

"Maybe he's trying to find out something about the president's son."

"Ahem!" Jungkook nearly choked but quickly pump back the yogurt in his mouth throw the straw.

"M-mwo?" He asked in surprise before glancing back at Beomgyu.

"Wae?" He softly inquired.

"Well....the president's has promised a reward to the person who can help find his son."

(I know, i know. It's a stupid scheme but bear with me for the sake of the story plus I'm trying my best in making it seems like it could actually happen in real life)

KISS IN YOUR HEART (POOKIE)✓✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora