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Taehyung nervously wait by the alter as everyone tilt their head towards the door, waiting for the wavy haired male's partner....it was just their family and few friends who has come to witness their love.

The pianist began to play a somber music on the  background and quiet gasp could be heard from the guests as a cute boy of about three years old nonchalantly walk down the aisle, dressing in a silk white clothe with a flower crown resting upon the veil on his head, while holding a pink rose bouquet with two couple rings hanging on the stem.

Taehyung felt his throat run dry of moist as Yoongi appear before everyone and slowly walk towards him with his arm linked with that of his best friend.

Hoseok held the shorter hand as he climb the alter to stand before his significant other. Then the maroon haired male, lean towards the youngest and whispered into his ears.

"Hurt him and I break your bones." Hoseok flash a sickening grin and gently pat Taehyung's shoulder before walking away from there.

The younger gulp but immediately smile as Yoongi flash his contagious gummy smile, while holding each other's hand.

Taehyung has known Hoseok to be very protective of his love ones, his threat is just another way of telling you to avoid doing something stupid that would cause you regrets. Taehyung didn't really feel threaten at all, even before he made a promise to never hurt Yoongi again, he has already made a covenant to himself that he'd never do such thing. So he's probably rest assured and positive.

Yoongi has never imagine this day before in his life. He has only fallen for one man and that very man is now standing in front of him, nervously squeezing his hands as their families watch them. It's true, when someone is in love they do have so much fantasies but this wasn't the case for Yoongi.

He has grown feelings for this young man but never thought it was mutual, he didn't expect anything in return to be honest but he wishes Taehyung could see he was genuine and after that day he came out of coma Namjoon has told him, Taehyung has been in love with him longer than Yoongi has been but the younger doesn't know how to show it and to crown everything, Taehyung turn out rude in attempt to hide his feelings and scare Yoongi away due to the criticizing rumors that was spreading about the older.

People thought Yoongi was being impudent and shameless for being in love with a boy about 5 years younger than him. Taehyung hated to hear these things from people and the younger thought pushing him away would resolve everything until his heart could no longer bear the pain of not being near the older.

Taehyung turned to face his nephew. Then took one of the rings, staring at the sparkling silver before looking back at Yoongi.

(Yes Jessi has given birth and the child is now 3 years old, don't ask me how it happened)

"I Kim Taehyung, take thee to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part.

I give you this ring, that you may wear it as a symbol of the vow i made this day. I pledge you my love, and respect, my laughter and my tears, with all that i am, I'll honor you as my beloved wedded husband." Taehyung completed his vow and slowly slide the pretty ring unto Yoongi's slender ring finger before kissing it gently.

The older smiled widely and took the other ring, before taking a step closer to the taller male and began to caress his large rough hand. " I Min Yoongi, take thee to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part.

KISS IN YOUR HEART (POOKIE)✓✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu