
Start from the beginning

faye slowly put her head down, her dad noticed and looked at her sternly. faye glanced up slightly. "i know nothing!" she defended raising her hands in surrender.

aisha side-eyed the girl. "well, i do."

aisha told farah, silva and mr. harvey everything, about the plan to break beatrix out and then use her so bloom could get to rosalind.

ms. dowling and mr. harvey rushed off to the woman's office, aisha, of course, followed.

riven, sky and silva looked at faye. she looked at the three innocently. "i didn't do anything..." she paused. "i just knew everything."


faye, her dad and sky were walking to meet up with some other specialists.

"should i be worried i had to find out from aisha that bloom drugged you, sky?" silva asked.

sky stopped silva from walking. "i don't know should i be worried i had to learn from bloom what happened at aster dell?" he shot at the man.

sky filled in faye about what happened at aster dell, faye was shocked, to say the least, she knew something happened there and that they had to destroy it but she didn't know that people were still there.

silva began to walk again. "we'll talk about this later." he said looking at the two.

faye just hummed in annoyance, she was pretty mad her dad lied to her about it. as it also turns out her mum was there, so she was even more mad about that.

"what's the situation?" silva asked the group of specialists.

"i think the burned one's through there." kat responded, looking straight ahead. "pull it up again." she asked riven.

the boy pulled out his phone and handed it to kat who played a video. it was of a girl called noura screaming out in pain, you could hear bones crunching, making faye cringe. noura continued to scream and yell, sounds of squelching in the background. kat continued to play the video, riven looked away and just stared a faye, a saddened look on his face.

"kat." silva snapped the girl out of her daze.

kat turned off the video handing riven his phone back. "i recognise the hollow noura ran past." she told him.

"right, let's go." silva ordered.

"wait, wait." riven tried to stop the man. "without fairies?"

"i'm here." faye awkwardly smiled.

"we counted at least six burned ones." riven mentioned. "that's fucking stupid."

faye smacked the boy's shoulder, sending him a stern look.

"that's an order, riven." sky chimed in. "suck it up."

faye awkwardly looked around.

"let's go." silva began to walk away, but then screeching came from the distance behind them.

"that noise isn't coming from the forest. it's coming from the school." faye wearily told them.

"right, get back and gather all the students and bring them to the courtyard." silva yelled, specialists began running in all directions. "move!" the man shouted.

faye was in a slight panic, she felt so lost, she was feeling useless. the girl just ran towards the school, she couldn't be weak in a situation like this. it would get her killed.


faye made her way to the suite, hoping terra or musa, anybody would be there. as she got closer she heard banging, the girl peered around the corner it was just sky and bloom, she walked up to them and watched sky struggle to open the suite door.

faye put her hand on sky's shoulder. "let me try." she told him.

faye placed her hand a few centimetres away from the door and tried to use her magic, soon enough sparks covered her hand and moved their way to the door handle, she heard a spark and the door blew open. faye's jaw dropped and she smiled at sky, who was in shock, he smiled at her, telling her he was proud.

they walked into the suite, and faye's eyes instantly went to sam. he was laid on the floor groaning in pain.

"hey." sky said to stella.

"hi." she replied, with a small smile.

sky and bloom then looked down at sam.

"we have to get help." terra panicked.

"oh shit." sky gasped, reaching down to sam.

"he said there's a burned one here." musa cried.

"we need to get him to the courtyard, they're barricading it off." faye told them, also leaning down to sam.

sky lifted the boy with help from faye and musa, he slung sam's arm over his shoulder and rushed out of the suite and to the courtyard.

when they made it to the country, terra and musa rushed ahead to get mr. harvey's attention. "dad!" terra shouted.

sky rushed over with sam and placed him on a table, making sam groan.

"i need zanbaq, now!" mr. harvey shouted to a student.

sam was just yelling, faye couldn't imagine the pain he was feeling and musa, the poor girl could feel it all.

"there's so much bloom. why didn't you bring him immediately?" the man asked, slightly yelling at terra.

"cause we were locked in our room, dad." terra snapped. "remember?"

"as i'm sure you're aware." ms. dowling began, gaining the attention of the students. "burned ones have infiltrated the barrier and the school. for some reason, the magical energy wells which power everything at the school have failed." she informed. "i managed to speak with queen luna before they did. she understands the gravity of what's happening here, and the solarian troops are on their way."

faye looked at her friends with concern, she was beginning to feel powerful all of a sudden, the girl clenched her fists trying to make sure her powers didn't randomly appear.

"we're barricading all entrances to the courtyard. we're safe for now... but we must prepare for the reality that the burned ones may infiltrate the space before they arrive." farah continued.

students began to mutter to each other, making quite the commotion.

"this is what we've been training for. be cautious, but be brave. let magic guide you, and let's show them what it means to be alfeans. prepare the barricade." she finished.

faye let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, she looked around the courtyard and she couldn't see riven, making her panic slightly. the girl decided to send the boy a message asking where he was and if he was okay, but after a while, there was no answer.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fate: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now