"... no?"

"So, we are your first friends!" Smiling happily before starting to pull Terrence along, Vanessa huffs proudly as Sol follows behind with a small giggle. "Please excuse her behaviour, she gets excitedly way too easily...."

"It's... it's quite alright. Miss Sol."

"E- eh? Just Sol is fine!" Suddenly waving her hands around with her cheeks slightly dusted, Sol signs lightly. "Please drop the formality with us...."

"That, I agree!" Stopping in front of a house, Vanessa gives Terrence a determined look. "Drop the formalities and just relax! It also makes you easier to talk to, ya know?"

"I... see. Alright then." Nodding lightly and really doesn't need to use it besides to get into the walls in the first place, Terrence agrees after a small hum. "And... Vanessa. This place is?"

"An Inn. You need a place to stay, right? Also, just call me Vanny!"

"Oh..." looking into the house with unknown symbols... or rather words, written on it before giving Vanessa a thankful nod. Realizing that the words are going to look different here despite all speaking the same, Terrence silently decides maybe he should make some friends after all if he wants to know anything about this place. "Thank you... Vanny."

"No problemo!"

With the help of the two... friends, Terrence manages to get a room in the inn not too far away from where the two friends say that they live. Going into his room and putting his bag down, Terrence sweat drops lightly as Vanessa decides to make herself at home and hops right onto the bed. Sitting up and looking over at him and Sol, Vanessa smiles brightly. "Not bad, huh?"

"Yes. Appreciate the help, Vanny." Taking his cape off and setting it off to the side, Terrence lets on a gentle and thankful smile before making his way to sit in the only other chair in the room once Sol takes the other nervously. Shaking her head and just guessing that getting rid of the formality is going to take time, Vanessa bounces a few times before smiling over at Terrence. "So, now that you've settled in... I realized that you didn't bring much stuff with you besides that awfully heavy bag, which I really doubt is full of clothing...."

She's right. It's not. It's his sword with only a few pairs of clothing stuck beside it.

"Let's go buy you some tomorrow."


"Let's go get you some more cloth tomorrow. If you've come here to learn, you are not just going to leave in a few days. You'll need more than whatever you carried around beside your books in there." Signing lightly, Vanessa answers with an 'obviously' tone.

Does he really seem like the person to be carrying books around, let alone that much, or is this just a stereotype for schoolers? Terrence doesn't know but decides to go along with it if it saves him from making up his own lie about whatever he has in his bag. Nodding lightly, Terrence looks over with a shrug, for once glad that the coins are more or less universally used. "Yeah, why not. I have a few more bucks to spare anyways."


"So... umm... what do you guys want to do now?" Asking lightly with a head tilt, Sol speaks up from the side. Humming lightly in consideration, Vanessa looks over at Terrence for opinion. Really doesn't know anything and would rather stay in the inn for now since he really doesn't feel like being out hunting on the first day, Terrence shrugs lightly. "Umm... can you guys teach me your words, then? I'm pretty sure I'll be needing them to survive around here..."

"Oh! Sure!" Opening her bag and getting out a thin book, Sol smiles over softly before walking over to the bed to sit and mentioning Terrence to do the same. "I was planning on reading it when I get home, but let's do it here!"

"Yeah... Sunshine likes reading way more than I do...." Signing in light amusement and frustration, Vanessa moves back with a small chuckle. "You guys go ahead... reading hurts my brain."

"Are you sure you are not just dumb?" Can't help himself as he teases lightly with a playful smirk, Terrence asks as he climbs onto the bed, to which Vanessa responds with a smile and a pillow to his face. "Wow! Excuse you! A mean one, huh?"

"You just make it easy!" Easily blocking another attack and stealing the pillow from Vanessa with an eye roll, Terrence snickers lightly before turning his attention to Sol, who is giggling lightly at the interaction and gives her a smile. "Excuse me, Sunshine. But we can start now."

Blinking in surprise when hearing the nickname, Sol doesn't mind it and returns the smile with one of her own and opens the book, placing it on the bed. "Alright then, so let's get started!"

As the wind blows in through the window that Vanessa ends up opening, and as the reading voice of Sol flows through the room, the three end up tiring themselves up after Vanessa and Terrence end up in another pillow fight. Ending up staying in Terry's room for the night, as the two girls take the bed while Terrence sleeps sitting up leaning against the bed frame.

The night is peaceful, and it remains that way when the sun rises into the sky.

"Rise and shine, fuckers! The sun is up, and so should you! We are going to stroll the town today!"

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