"Yo. What? Kevin? Kevin?!" Dean pulls his phone away.

"Something wrong?" Sam asks.

"Guess." Dean says, walking out. Larissa grabs her burger and stands up.

"I'll go get her bag." Larissa says, walking out.

Sam starts to leave, but turns back and grabs his burger.

"You'll understand when you're older." He tells Athena.


They're on the boat and walk inside, looking for Kevin.

"Kevin? It's us." Sam calls.

"Found him." Dean says. Sam and Larissa walk over, finding Kevin vomiting into the toilet.

~ ~ ~

Kevin is sitting at the table and wipes his bloody nose.

"Here." Larissa hands him a water that was in the diaper bag.

"Thanks." Kevin mumbles, taking it.

"Wow. You look like hammered crap." Dean says.

"Yeah." Kevin says.

"Are you sleeping?" Sam asks.

"Not really." Kevin answers.

"Are you eating?" Dean asks.

"Hot dogs, mostly." Kevin says.

"Sure, yeah -- breakfast of champions. Look, I'm gonna feel dirty saying this, but you might want a salad and a shower." Dean says.

"I know, and I've been getting bad headaches and nosebleeds, and I think maybe I had a small stroke. But it was worth it." Kevin says.

"What was worth it?" Sam asks.

"I figured out how to close the Gates of Hell." Kevin says.

"You--" Dean smiles. "Come here, you smelly son of a bitch." He hugs Kevin, lifting him off the ground making them all laugh.

"Okay, okay. So, what does this mean? What are we looking at?" Sam asks.

"It's a spell." Kevin says.

"And?" Dean asks.

"And it's just a few words of Enochian, but the spell has to be spoken after you finish each of the three trials." Kevin says, handing Dean a piece of paper.

"Trials like, uh, like Law & Order?" Sam asks.

"More like Hercules. The tablet says, "Whosoever chooses to undertake these tasks should fear not danger, nor death, nor..." A word I think means getting your spine ripped out through your mouth for all eternity." Kevin says.

"Good times." Dean says.

"Basically, God built a series of tests, and when you've done all three, you can slam the gates." Kevin says.

"So, what? God wants us to take the SATs?" Sam asks.

"I-I guess. Uh, he works in mysterious ways." Kevin says.

"Yeah, mysterious, douche-y ways. All right. Where do we start?" Dean asks.

"I've only been able to crack one of the tests so far, and it's gross. You've got to kill a hound of Hell and bathe in its blood." Kevin says.

"Awesome." Dean says.

"Awesome?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Hey, if this means icing all demons, I got no problem gutting some devil dog and letting Calgon take me away." Dean says.

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