002. america's first serial killer

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Larissa stands by as she watches Jo play an arcade game, hitting every target and winning. Her opponent, Ed, groans.

"Damn, little lady, that was my room money." Ed says.

"Well, I guess you're taking a truck nap tonight." Jo says, taking the money. She smiles, pleased with herself, she high fives Larissa when passing her.

"Oughta check the high scores before you put your money down." Ellen tells Ed as she hits a button, the screen showing that all of the high scores belong to Jo. "You went and got yourself hustled, Ed."

Larissa quietly laughs as she walks away. She looks over as the door opens, Sam and Dean walking.

"Hey." She smiles when she sees Sam.

"Just can't stay away, huh?" Jo teases.

"Yeah, looks like. How you doin', Jo?" Dean asks.

"Where's Ash?" Sam asks.

"In his back room." Larissa tells him.

"Great." Sam rushes by, his arm brushing against hers.

"And we're fine." Jo sarcastically says.

"Sorry, he's, uh, we're... kind of on a bit of a timetable." Dean says, following after his brother.

~ ~ ~

Ash is sitting at a table with Sam across from him and Dean stands next to his brother.

"Well, I got a match. It's the logo from the Blue Ridge bus lines in Guthrie, Oklahoma." Ash informs.

"Okay. Do me a favor. Check Guthrie for any demonic signs or omens, or anything like that." Sam says.

"You think the demon's there?" Ash asks.

"Yeah, maybe." Sam says.

"Why would you think that?" Ash asks.

"Just check it, all right?" Dean says and Ash does so.

"No, sir, nothing. No demon." Ash says.

"All right, try something else for me. Search Guthrie for a house fire. It would be in 1983, fire's origin would be a baby's nursery, night of the kid's six month birthday." Sam says.

Larissa sends a confused look to Jo who seems just as perplexed.

"Okay, now that is just weird, man. Why the hell would I be looking for that?" Ash asks and Sam puts a beer bottle on the table.

"Cause there's a PBR in it for ya." Sam states.

"Give me fifteen minutes." Ash says.

Ash is still looking as Larissa walks over, placing a glass of water in front of Sam.

"Thanks." He mutters.

"Yeah, sure." Larissa mutters, sitting next to him. "You, um... seem pretty on edge."

"It's a... a very long story." Sam says.

"I get that." Larissa says. "What happened to your wrist?" She asks, nodding to the cast on his arm.

"Vengeful spirit." Sam answers.

"Fun." Larissa hums.

"Yeah." Sam quietly laughs.

"Got something." Ash says. He goes to print them and soon returns, giving the papers to Sam.

"Thanks, man." Sam hurriedly gets up, walking to Dean, but backtracks and turns to Larissa. "Uh, I'll see you later." She smiles and nods, gently waving as he gets Dean and the two leave.

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