Chapter Five: Invitation

Start from the beginning

"We are really sorry sir. We both promise nothing like this will ever happen again." Cam and I had turned back around toward Coach Rook and his death glare. I finished my short apology, leaving Cam to say hers.

She looked coach dead in the eyes and really just stared at him. Nothing came out of her mouth, no apology, no words, nothing. She was still mad and I could tell she was holding everything in not to beat someone up at that moment.

"I forgive you girls." With those four words, I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding in, but then he continued talking. "To make it up to me though, Monday practice might be a tad bit harder than normal. Have a nice weekend, please shut the door on your way out." With that Coach gave us the creepiest grin I had ever seen and motioned towards the exit. I walked out first, and Cameron slammed the door behind us. We stared at each other for a few moments, then made our way towards the parking lot.

"What just happened?" I looked over at Cam hoping for a legitimate answer I knew she couldn't provide.

"I really don't know, but at least were on the team right?"

"What is going to happen to us on Monday?" That was the new trouble now swarming in my mind.

"I really don't know, but at least we made the team." Cam was right, we just needed to focus on the big win of being captains of our team, and not on Monday's troubles. "Can I come back to your house for the rest of Saturday?"

"Do you really need to ask?" I looked over at Cam as we made our way out of the school, and finally a smile broke onto her face. I was about to start freaking out all over again if she didn't return to normal soon. The look she had given the coach had really shaken me up, and I knew she might just come to regret it come Monday.

"I guess..." Cam was cut off when we exited the school, and ran into Parker and Lucas.

"That was a great performance in there girls. I mean you all cursed out your brand new coach and everything!" Parker started laughing after saying this and Lucas joined in.

"You two have no idea what your in for on Monday. We have had some bad practices just because someone bad mouthed an opponent on the ice. I just wonder what he's going to do now that it was directed at him."

Cam stepped forward trying to size them up, but I pulled her away from them and towards my truck. "We will just have to see won't we? And what ever it is I know Cam and I can handle anything he'll dish out."

"I just hope I'm there to see this miracle your telling me about, because I really don't believe you." Now it was Cam's turn to hold me back, because I was ready to lunge at him. She opened the drivers side door, and I got in while she walked around to the other side. "We will see you two tonight though right?"

"What's tonight?" I had shut my door and was yelling out at them from my rolled down car window.

Lucas then added something to the conversation. "After every tryout we have everyone who makes the team comes together at Parker's house and celebrates our own personal victories. Don't worry, we sent out an email."

"Oh how formal! Will it be covered in sparkles and sing a classic pop song when I open it up on my computers?" I asked the boys sarcastically trying to rile them up a little.

"We added extra glitter just for you girls and it's pink. We know how much you all love the color!" Parker returned my sarcastic comment by playing right along. This just made me glare right back at him. Not sure on how to respond.

"Hope to see you there girls." With Parker's final words the two boys turned and hopped into their own cars, while I rolled up my window and started the car in the direction of home. Cameron pulled out her phone and three minutes later she was holding it my face at a red light.

"They weren't kidding, there is an actual party." Before I could examine the phone the light turned from red to green, forcing me to start driving again.

"Read the email out loud to me, so I don't reck the car."

"Okay. It's tonight starting at 8:00 p.m. at Parker's house, and the address is included. It also says no alcohol because it's ice hockey season and none of us need to hurt ourselves before we can even play one game with the new team." Cam paused before looking up at me and away from her phone. "Should we go?"

"Yah, why not? They are our teammates now whether we like it or not, so we should get to know them before our first official practice." I pulled into my driveway and parked the car before Cam continued the conversation.

"I'm picking out your outfit though, because I will not allow you to leave the house in sweat pants and a ratty T-shirt." Cam looked over at me smiling, knowing exactly what she had in store for me, but also knowing it was going to be impossible to deny her request.

"Okay fine, but nothing awfully slutty."

"Never!" She laughed her way into the house and all the way up to my room, knowing that she would start getting us ready for tonight as soon as possible.
Author's Note:
P. A . R. T. Y. Party Party with Ice Hockey Guys!
This will be fun! I know that this little get together might not be as wild as you all hope because there is no alcohol, but just wait. In the future this rule might be erased once or twice, creating some really funky party times. Vote and Comment, and don't forget to be brutally honest, because I love good feed back! It only makes me a better writer!

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