Chapter 27

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Previously on Chapter 26

I just sweat-dropped, letting out a nervous chuckle. Typical Senku... always so stiff. But I know deep down he's actually happy. He just didn't show his emotions that much.

-Wave Of Science-


I smile softly as Senku starts admiring the telescope the villagers have made for him. I can feel myself a bit relax, after knowing that Magma wasn't trying to hurt Senku. It was Gen's plan all along. He asked him to bring Senku back to the village on the third night, because it's his birthday and the villagers have prepared a surprise for him.

The dizziness on my head, which vanished when I was in panic for Senku's safety slowly comes back. I manage to run because of the adrenaline. Now that it's gone, I can feel myself getting weaker again. My body sways a little and I fall on my knees with a loud thud.

"Y/N-Chan! Are you okay??" Gen said, kneeling next to me. I turn my head to look at him, my eyesight is a bit blurry. "I'm dizzy" I said. I can feel my body falls to the side. Gen is quick to catch me.

"You're body is heating up..." he said, as he held me in his arms. I just close my eyes, as I start to breathe heavily because of the pain on my head. I close my eyes and everything went dark.



"___, are you feeling okay?" He asked, as he sat on the bed next to me. I turned to look at him. "I'm so dizzy, Nii-Chan..." I said. I can't see his face clearly, but I can tell that he's frowning.

"You should rest well... I'll cook something for you, okay?" He said. I just nod my head. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. He got up and walked out of my bedroom.

End of Flashback

I slowly open my eyes, realizing I'm inside Chrome's shed. I turn my head to look around and notice Gen sitting with his back against the wall. His have his tucked inside his sleeves, as he seem to be asleep.

I can see a flash of image in my head. I can see the man in my dream sleeping in the same position as Gen, as he look after me while I was sick. I can feel my eyes tearing up at the memory.

"Nii-Chan..." I muttered under my breath. My voice makes Gen move in his sleep. He open his eyes and turn to look at me. I can see relief in his eyes when he notices me awake.

"Y/N-Chan... you're awake" he said. He scoots closer to me and sit down. He lift his hand and place it on my forehead. "Ah... that's good. Your fever is down. But you still need to rest properly" he said. I just let out a sigh and close my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I open my eyes and turn to look at him. "I saw my brother again. He took care of me while I was sick" I said. His eyes soften at what I said. He lift his hand, placing it gently on my head.

"Your brother seem to really love you, Y/N-Chan..." he said. I slowly nod my head at what he said. "And it make me feel really bad because I can't seem to remember who he was..." I said, feeling upset with myself. Gen shakes his head.

"It wasn't your choice to not remember him, Y/N-Chan. If you get pieces of memories of him... soon or later you'd remember him again. I'm sure of it..." he said. I smile softly at his choice of words. He truly knows how to handle human's emotions. He always know how to keep me calm.

"Thank you, Gen..." I said. He smiles at me and nod his head. "Of course..." he said. I start to shiver due to the cold. Gen notices this and takes off his coat, gently placing it on top of my blanket.

"You'll feel cold..." I said. He shakes his head, while smiling reassuringly at me. "You need it more than me. Just focus on getting better..." he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

Senku enters the room and placed a tray on the floor next to us. "Eat some ramen... then you need to eat your medicine" he said. I just nod my head. Gen help me sit up. He take the bowl and hand it to me. I start to eat it slowly.

Can we have ramen, Nii-Chan?? My voice echoed in my head. I can remember the smile on his face even though I can't clearly see him. Why can't I remember him faster? I want to know who he is. I want to know who my brother is. All I can do is hope that all of my memories would come back faster.


Senku finally managed to make the cell phone. We start to cheer happily, finally after a long time... we manage to get it done! Just in time for the spring as well. We made it in time!!

"It's so great that our voices can travel into distance. But how are we going to hear it though?" Kohaku said. Senku let out a gasp at what she said. We stare at him worriedly.

"Whoops... looks like we need to make another one" he said, with an innocent smile on his face. All of us falls on the ground at what he said, while letting out an exasperated groan.

"You didn't say it on purpose, didn't you, Senku-Chan? Because if they know we're going to need two of them, they'll be less willing to help..." Gen said. "Tee hee..." Senku said. I roll my eyes as I slowly get up.

Senku let out a chuckle. "Well... we do need two of them if we want them to work as a cell phone. But if we use a really long wire, it'll work as a landline..." he said. He starts to do what he said. Half of the villagers are by Chrome's shed. While the rest of us will be at the Chief's house.

I sit next to Ruri-Nee, who's sitting in front of the microphone. Chrome is on the other side of the line. He will be the one to test the cellphone to see if it'll actually works.

"Ruri..." Chrome said. My eyes widened as I stare at the microphone in awe. I wait patiently for Chrome to start talking again. I'm half hoping that Chrome will use this chance to tell Ruri-Nee how he truly feel for her.

"Did you see that, Ruri?! Pretty awesome right??Science is insane!!!" He said. I let out a sigh as I mentally face-palmed. I can't believe... of all he could've said. He chose that? But this is Chrome we're talking about.

Everyone starts murmuring about how something so tiny could make a sound. "It's almost like a speaker"Ruri-Nee said. I nod my head in agreement. It's in one of the story on the Hundred Tale.

"Almost like? It's literally a speaker. Microphone and speaker are similar... they work to..." Senku trailed off. He seem to realize something. He turns to look at Ruri-Nee.

"Ruri... what did you say? 'Almost like a speaker'?" Senku said, turning to look at her. "Eh? Is it not? Aren't speaker some kind of bee?" Ruri-Nee said. "Bee! It's a bee!" One of the kids said, the others joining in.

"Bees are speaker? How did that happen?" Gen said. I turn to look at him. "It's in the Hundred Tale. The tale number 14..." I said. Ruri-Nee nods her head as she starts telling the story.

"A bee name Speaker. Needle on a gravestone, and voices of the dead. It doesn't exactly give any sort of knowledge..." Senku said. "And it's quite suspicious too... using the word speaker to deliver something only to modern people. Plus, it's tale number 14. Or it's 1 and 4... or Ishi (Stone). It's your birthday..." Gen said.

Senku's eyes widened in realization. So, I'm guessing it's not a regular story, but a secret message that only people from the modern age would understand. It's amazing how a simple story was able to do.

*to be continued*

The Missing Piece (Asagiri Gen X Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin