Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

"The wing is melting" I said, eyes wide open in fear. "Oh shit... just what's the deal with this spring?" Chrome said. Senku stands straight. "In my time, it was a chemical that served as the foundation for all kinds of chemical industry... Sulfuric Acid" he said, with a serious face. I turn to look at the water in front of me. This is what we need to collect? This surely will be a life and death mission.

-The Biggest Hurdle-


We're now back by Chrome's shed. I lean my back against the pole as I stare at Senku. "So what are we going to do now, Senku?" I asked. "Can't we make the sulfa-drug without the sulfuric acid?" Chrome asked.

He shakes his head. "It's impossible. We need to secure some of those sulfuric acid... or chemistry won't progress any further" he said. I let out a soft sigh at what he said. We have to find a way to get some.

"I'm going to use my speed to gather some. I'll put my life in danger as much as I need to in order to save Ruri-Nee..." Kohaku said, kneeling down to grab the glass jar. "I'll help you..." I said, grabbing some too.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Senku. "No... it's not about your speed. Back in my time, there's an expedition to do research about the acid. He kneels down probably to tie his shoelaces. Then he died... there's some toxic gas right below his knees. It's an incident that actually happened..." he said.

"Then what are we suppose to do?? We can't just wait" I said. Kohaku nods her head. "Yeah! We have to save Ruri-Nee!" She said. Senku turns to look at us with a grin.

"Of course... we're going to make gas masks" he said. Kohaku turns to look at me with a clueless gaze. I just shrugs my shoulders, letting her know that I'm just as clueless as her.


Senku have told Grandpa Kaseki on how to make the gas mask. I just sit under a tree as Kohaku sits on the branch. I watch as Senku tries to tell Chrome that he will be doing this mission alone. Of course, Chrome isn't having that.

"So why you... the star of science have to do the job? Just send me or someone else to do the job" Chrome said, making Senku laugh at what his comment. "Oh well... aren't you kind? Are you my girlfriend? I'm the only one who knows how the gas mask works. That's why I'll be the one going. But after I give all my knowledge to you" he said.

Chrome looks angered by what he said. "No. I'm not taking your knowledge. I've no interest in helping you that makes it okay for my friend to die! So if you croak, it's game over for science!!" He said, rushing forward and punches the tree behind Senku.

In the end, Chrome manage to convince Senku that he's coming along as well. Chrome is determined to help him, there's no way he'd back down. I smile at their interaction as they decided to put trust in each other. I just turn my head to look at the sky. Chrome reminds me of mine and Kohaku's determination.


Kohaku and I are standing in front of our dad. Our sister, Ruri-Nee... is sitting on her usual spot. Dad is talking about how Ruri might not hold on for much longer. He's trying to tell Kohaku to take her place as the village's priestess.

"No! I don't have an interest in helping with things that makes it okay for Ruri-Nee to die!" Kohaku said. She turns around and runs away. I stare at her retreating figure. I turn my head to look at dad.

"If Kohaku refuses... then you have to be the one to replace Ruri. You're also in a good health" he said. I turn to look at Ruri-Nee. She gives me a pleading look. Tears starts to gather in my eyes. I turn to look at father and shake my head.

"No, father. I also didn't want to take her place. I'm not going to give up! I'll find a way... Ruri-Nee will be alright!" I said. I turn around and runs towards Chrome's shed. The two of us starts working on trying to make the best herb medicine for Ruri-Nee.

But even after a long process. We can't seem to find the good medicine. I bursted into tears as I let out a frustrated scream. Chrome gently hugs my shaking form.

End of Flashback

"You know, Chrome... you, Y/N-Nee and I are very much alike" Kohaku said, snapping me out of my thought. I turn my head to look at her. She turns to me and smiles softly.

"Yeah... the three of us seem to be the only one who refuses to give up on Ruri-Nee..." I said. Kohaku smiles at what I said. She turns to look at Chrome. "The only way to help Ruri-Nee is for Kinro or Ginro to marry her. How about that, Chrome? Would you take me as your wife as a consolation?" She said. I blink my eyes at what she said. Did she just propose to Chrome??

"You and Ruri are nothing alike. Ruri is ladylike. You are like a gorilla" Chrome said. Kohaku looks ticked off as she kicks his head repeatedly. I just let out a nervous laugh their small interaction.

"Why did you ask that? Do you have a crush on me?" Chrome asked. Kohaku gives him a straight face. "No, not even a bit" she said. "Figured. Then don't say things like that" Chrome said. I shake my head at them and turn to look at the sky.


Suika walks back and forth. I just sit next to Kohaku as we wait nervously for Senku, Chrome and Ginro to return. Ginro was scared to go at first, but after having a small talk with Grandpa Kaseki, he finally have the courage to go.

I hear Chalk barking. I turn my head and notice the three guys walking towards us. "Welcome back!!!" Suika yelled out. I stand up and let out a cheer. I turn to Kohaku and hugs her, feeling glad that our friends returned safely.

"We can finally start making the sulfa-drug for Ruri-Nee!" Kohaku said, looking happy. I grin excitedly. Chrome gives us a straight face. "No... have some patient, will you? Didn't you see the long roadmap?" He said. Kohaku face falls at what he said.

"Not a problem... we have just about everything we need. Now... time for the fun chemical cooking. This is exhilarating" Senku said, smirking excitedly while grabbing a bunch of flasks in his hands.

*to be continued*

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