Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

Senku decided to take his word. "Sure whatever, I'll take your word. But either way, there's no such thing as free meal. Everyone who's had ramen have works to do" he said, grinning mischievously. Oh boy... he surely is scummy. These people have no idea what they have put themselves through. I kinda feel bad. But we need it to be done, so we can start making the cure-all drug for Ruri-Nee.

-Let There Be Light-


Everyone starts working their butts off, trying their best to pump some air into the iron mill furnace. I keep going as best as I can even though I feel like my arms are about to fall off. I refuse to quit now. This is for Ruri-Nee.

"Take turn, Y/N-Nee... if you're tired, don't push it" Kohaku said. I turn to look at her and smiles, while still pumping the tube. "I'm fine... the thought that I'm doing this for Ruri-Nee is enough to keep me going" I said. I turn to focus on the tube and keeps pumping.

After a while, I finally feel exhausted. I pull away as Kohaku takes my place. I move my arms, stretching them to try and remove the stiffness from doing the harsh chores.

I turn my head and notice Senku is talking to the new comer. He's asking Gen if Taiju and Yuzuriha are doing alright. I'm guessing the two people he just mentioned are his friends.

"Ah... you decided to start asking me when I'm here busting myself. You got nerve to pull a trick like that on a mentalist. But don't worry, Taiju-Chan's got an especially bottomless supply of strength. You know that, don't you, Senku-Chan?" He said, turning to look at Senku with a malice grin.

Kohaku rushes forward, holding her dagger. "He's definitely with the long-haired man. Should we kill him?" She said. Senku glances at her. "Wait, idiot!"he said. He turns to look at Gen.

"Asagiri Gen... you 10 billion percent knew I was trying to make you talk. So why do you suddenly decided to admit that you work for Tsukasa?" He said.

Gen is silent for a few moment. He turns around to face Senku with a smile. "The tides have turned now that I've seen this..." he said. He turns around, as he stares at the iron furnace.


Senku pours the molten iron into a wooden mold. We wait for it to cool down. Once it did, Chrome takes it out of the mold and lift it in the air.

"Acquired: Iron!!" He yelled out, with an excited grin on his face. I clap my hands in happiness. Finally, the first thing we need have been achieved. Kohaku throws her arms around me in excitement. I let out a giggle as I returns her embrace.

I turn my head as I notice Gen and Senku having a chat. Gen claims that he didn't care who he needs to dispose off. He only cares if it would benefits him. I just eye him suspiciously.

For some reason, I'm able to tell that he's actually lying. He did care who wins from the two sides. He's just putting up an act. But even so, I decided to keep silent until I'm sure this guy can be trusted.

Kohaku on the other hand, she looks angry. "Asagiri Gen, huh? A shallow bat of a man like you should either be killed or imprisoned" she said, holding both of her daggers as she glares at Gen with a dangerous gaze.

Gen have both of his hands raised in front of him with a paled face. "Wow, scary!!" He wailed. I let out a sigh and walks up to them. I place a gentle hand on Kohaku's shoulder.

"Settle down, Kohaku..." I said. She turns to look at me and sighs. She place her daggers back to their place inside his shield. I can see Gen staring at me from the corner of my eyes.

"Don't worry... once you see what I'm making with science. You're 10 billion percent going to want to join us" Senku said, as he climbs up the ladder of Chrome's shed. "What? Are you going to impress me with a katana?" He said, with a smirk on his face. Senku turns to look at him.

"A generator..." he said. Gen's face turns pale at what Senku said. "A-A generator?? E-Eriously-Say? There is no way you can do that!" He said. I just shrugs my shoulders.

"I don't know... I mean this is Senku we're talking about. He seem to know his stuff" I said. Gen turns to look at me. I just give him a smile. He hums softly and looks away from me.

The sky slowly starts to grow darker. "Lightning actually comes! We're lucky!" Chrome said. "No, idiot! This is the worst case scenario! We're not prepared at all!" Senku said, visibly panicking.

"Are you trying to make a lightning generator?" Gen asked. Senku turns to look at him. "There's no such thing. Magnet... I can make electricity if I have magnet" he said. Kohaku shows him the natural magnet we've used to gather iron sand.

"Then we better starts working..." I said. Senku turns to look at me and nods his head. He starts to instruct us what to do. He rushes towards the bridge and pull out one plank. I kneel down next to the wood and start to carve it. Senku pours the molten copper to create a copper wire.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see three people walking on the bridge. "Oh no..." I said. The others turns to look as well. "This is bad. It's Magma..." he said.

"It will be a huge trouble if we go into war with the village now" Senku said. Gen let out a sigh. "I guess I don't have a choice. I'd rather not get killed right of the bat. Suika-Chan... can you get me some flowers?" he said, turning to look at Suika.

"What are you planning to do?" I asked. He turns to look at me and smiles. "Flowers over war..." he said. Suika walks towards him and hands him the flower. He thanked her and walks towards the bridge. I just stand by Kohaku as I observe Gen do his thing. He flips his hands, hiding the flower behind his hand.

"Is that enough to hide it from their sight?" Kohaku asked. "Yeah... it's a trick called back hand. Usually, using cards. Not bad, you fraud magician..." Senku said.

The two guys instantly turns around and runs away in complete fear, leaving Magma as he eyed Gen. He looks displeased. Eventually, he turns around and walks back to the village.

I let out a sigh of relief, knowing nothing will happen for now. But the look in Magma's eyes, I can tell that he is very annoyed. I have a bad feeling at the way he stares at Gen. But I can think about that later. We've got a storm to catch up.


We manage to reach the top of the mountain, where we will be placing the iron. We quickly start to try assembling the tower to help the iron catch the lightning. But the lightning is coming too fast. I turn my head and notice Kinro.

I quickly swoop the spear from his hand, despite his complains. Kohaku throws her hair tie towards me. I catch it and tie it around the iron and spear. I impale the sharp end on the ground and jumps away, just in time as the lightning strikes it.

Kinro walks towards the broken spear. "I'm so sorry about that. It's kind of an emergency. I hope you can forgive me, Kinro..." I said. Ginro starts to tease his brother, resulting in him getting multiple punches on his head. I let out a sigh and shakes my head at his antics.

Our work isn't done yet. Senku starts to tell what we need to do next. By the end of the day. We finally manage to complete, a dual hand cranked generator. Senku climbs up the roof of the shed.

My eyes widened as something bright starts to shine through the dark night. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Gen staring at the light with shock written all over his face. I smile softly, knowing this should be able to win him over. I turn to look at the light once again. Science truly is wonderful.

*to be continued*

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