Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

"That's right, Senku. I have always known... your name is, Ishigami Senku..." Ruri-Nee said. My eyes widened in shock at what she said. How can Senku have the same name as the Village?

-The Hundredth Tale-


Senku let out a chuckle as we stand inside the chief's hut. "Now it make sense. Why some of you obviously have foreign blood in you..." he said. I just shake my head at what he said.

"Err... nope. I don't understand" I said. Kohaku and Chrome makes an agreement sound. Senku just turn to look at Ruri-Nee with a smirk. "I probably come up in your priestess mythology, don't I?" He said. I turn to look at Ruri-Nee.

"Yes..." she said. Everyone starts talking about the 100 tales. How it taught us about something we'd never would have seen, like the beasts and others. It's hard to believe that Senku is among the stories that is passed down.

"The hundredth tale... the title is, Ishigami Senku" she said. She starts to talk about the story. How a little boy name Senku was always curious about strange things. I just listen in silence.

"It's always said that the story is a real thing" I said, after Ruri-Nee finished telling us the story. Chrome nods his head in agreement. "Yeah, all the statues out there... those were the humans that got turned into stones thousand of years ago" he said.

"Heyy!!! What are you doing up there! Come on!! Get down here and have some fun!" Someone said. Ruri-Nee turns to look at Senku. "Shall we go join the rest?" She said, while smiling softly. We make our way down the stairs and joins everyone.

"It's been so long since everyone's been this lively..." Kohaku said. I smile and nods my head, agreeing with her. "Yeah... because Ruri-Nee's recovery!" I said, grinning happily. Ginro gets dragged by Kinro to guard the bridge, making Ginro runs away.

"No no! I'm an outsider!" Someone said. I turn my head and notice Gen holding onto the pole. I let out a soft giggle and stands up. I make my way towards him.

"Come on, Gen... it's okay. I'm not one of them too, remember? Besides, you're our friend. Come on..." I said. I remove his hands from the pole and gently holds it. I pull him along with me to join the others.

Gen P.O.V

I stare at Y/N's hand as it held mine. My eyes soften slightly as I stare at her smaller hand. It fits my hand like a puzzle. I gentle hold her hand too, as we make our way towards the others.

For some reason, I can feel warmth spreading in my chest. I have no idea what it is. I have never felt like this before. This feelings keeps resurfacing each time I'm near Y/N.

Y/N take a seat near her sister. I take a seat next to her. I take some glances at her every now and then. I've never realized it before, but Y/N's beautiful. Her e/c eyes. Her hair looks so soft. I wonder what it will feel like to run my hand through her hair. Oh gosh... what the hell am I thinking?

I turn my head as one of them tries to offer me some wine. "No, thank you. I only drink Cola" I said, with both of my hands raised. "Cola?" He questioned. "I can't talk business if I'm drunk. Now that everyone is here... I have a message to deliver" I said.

"Yeah, that's right. Let's hear it, mentalist. What's going on in Tsukasa's Empire? Let's show them what the Kingdom of Science are made of... this is exhilarating" Senku-Chan said, as he make his way over to us. I let out a low laugh.

I turn to look at him with a wide grin, as I stare at him with a malice look. "They're coming... Tsukasa and his army" I said. Y/N let out a gasp at what I said.


My eyes widened, as I gasp at what he said. "Tsukasa isn't the only one who's a bad news though. There's another one who's just as dangerous as he is. If Tsukasa or he shows up. Frankly, you'd all have to run. I came ahead to warn you... I could only buy so much time" he said.

"This is bad!!! The enemies are here!!!" Ginro yelled out. I turn my head to see him running across the bridge. He looks horrified and worried. We quickly stand up and runs towards where the enemies are.

"This is eriously-say ad-bay!! The man's Kinro-Chan's fighting, is Hyoga!!" Gen said. My eyes widened in horror, as everyone let out a gasp. Kinro is hanging off the bridge, holding onto the man by his ankle.

"Ginro! Cut down the bridge. I can no longer be saved!" Kinro said. Turqoise starts urging him to cut the bridge down. "That's right... I-I'm the b-bridge guard. I have to cut it down..." Ginro said, as he start to saw the rope. But he stops before he can make any cut.

"I can't do that... how can I? Kinro will die if I do... I can't do it, Nii-Chan..." he cried out, tears flowing down his cheeks. My eyes saddened at how broken he sounded.

Senku starts to fill up the pipe with dirt. "What are you planning to do with that?" I asked. He turn to look at me and smirk. I just tilt my head slightly. I seriously have no idea what's on his mind right now.

Gen grabs a stone and walks up to Magma. "Are you the strongest one in this village?" He said. Magma just stares at him. "Yeah" he said. "Throw this as hard as you can" Gen said. Magma just stare at him with disinterest. But Gen manage to convince him to do it.

Senku holds the pipe, pointing towards them. Gen lift his hand. "Magma-Chan! Now!!" He said. The pipe Senku is holding make a loud sound, along with Magma throwing the rock.

"Hyoga-Chan! Everyone! Run!! This village have acquired guns!" Gen said, putting up an act as if he's the one to divert the aim. He runs of the bridge with the enemies, asking Hyoga to run with them.

Hyoga turns to look at us. "Which means, you must be..." he said. Senku let out a chuckle. "Yeah... you came too late. We have created billions of rifles. Go and tell Tsukasa that Ishigami Senku is alive!!" he said, with a wide smirk on his face. Hyoga just eyed him, before turning around and walks away without another word.

I run forward and help Kinro up. He lays on his back while breathing heavily. Senku place something on his mouth harshly. "This is the antipyretic analgesic acetanilide. We've made this while we're making the sulfa-drug... now then, rub this on the wound to. And you'd be better by tomorrow!" He said. He starts to roughly throw the powder on his wound.

"Can you be a little more gentle!!" I yelled out. He just ignore me and continued. I let out a sigh and yank it out his grasp. "I'll do it..." I said. I kneel down next to Kinro and start to apply the powder on his wound. We're safe for now. But those people will surely attack us again. We have to prepare ourselves for the next battle.

*to be continued*

The Missing Piece (Asagiri Gen X Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt