Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

"Everything isn't fuzzy anymore! Suika can see very clearly now!" She said, happily. I let out a soft laugh as I stand up, with her in my arms. I start to twirl us around as she let out a gleeful laugh, making me let out a soft giggle at her cuteness. I've said this before and I'll said it again... Science truly is wonderful!

-Life & Death Mission-


Senku and Chrome attempted to make some glass flask. But the result is horrible. It just looks weird, and I'm pretty sure it's not how it suppose to look like. Everyone seem disappointed by the outcome.

"Oh well, it took months for me to make the clay pots to look decent..." Senku said. I turn to look at him in shock.

"M-Months?! We don't have that much time!" I said. Kohaku nods her head in agreement. "Y/N-Nee and I are worried for Ruri-Nee's health" she said, making me nod my head in agreement. "Yeah... she won't be able to hold on for that long..." I said, looking down at the ground as I feel really worried for Ruri-Nee.

"I'm not a glass craftsmen" Senku said. I turn to look at Chrome as he seems to think about it. I hum softly as I can think of one person in the village that have a lot of experience in crafts.

"Go and get him..." I said. Chrome nods his head at what I said. He turns around and runs towards the village. "Get... who?" Senku said. I turn to him and smiles. "You'll see. Now we just have to wait" I said. He just hums and nods his head.

A While Later

We wait by the bridge for Chrome to return. I just sit on the ground, elbows on my knees. I hear a sound of someone struggling. I turn my head and let out a sigh. Chrome is dragging Grandpa Kaseki who's tied up in a rope.

"That really isn't a way to ask someone for help. You are such an idiot, Chrome..." I said. Chrome let out a nervous laugh. He turns to look at Grandpa Kaseki. He places both of his hands together.

"Please, Grandpa Kaseki... we could really use your help!" He said. "Is this how you ask someone for help? By tying them up for your kinky rope play?" He said. Chrome let out a sigh and turn to look at me.

"Now you see why I didn't have a choice but to tie him up?" He said. I let out a huffed and roll my eyes. Suika walks up to Grandpa Kaseki while holding a jar.

"Grandpa Kaseki... I forgot to return your lacquer" she said. Senku make a realization that Grandpa Kaseki is the one who made Kohaku's shield. I just smile as I recall how she got it. She got it from our dad, who won the Grand Bout.

In order to convince Grandpa Kaseki into helping us. Chrome and Senku decided to tempt him by showing him the process of making the glass.

Senku knew he won't be able to resist, seeing as he have 50 years of experience as a craftsman. Seeing something that's so tempting like glassmaking would surely make him break. Which is a total success. He breaks through the rope, revealing his muscular body which shocks all of us.


By the end of the day, Senku manage to acquire a science lab. Everyone let out a cheer, celebrating the success. Well... not everyone. Senku didn't show any reaction except for a wide grin on his face.

Kinro and Ginro stands in front of the lab's entrance. Each of them holding their spear. Kinro have his face turns away to a different direction, while Ginro have a sparkly look in his eyes.

"I don't know anything about fighting. But is it true that silver and gold spears can help them win?" Senku whispered to Kohaku and I. I give the two brothers a straight face.

"To borrow your word, Senku. They're obviously 10 billion percent just wants silver and gold spears..." Kohaku said. Ginro walks inside the lab as he looks around the place. I just shut out what he said. He can be worst than Gen sometimes. Speaking of Gen, I wonder how he's doing. I hope he's doing alright. I hope he'll come back here soon.

"Fine... let's break the lab by making a silver spear" Senku said. Kinro let out a disappointed gasp. Ginro turns to look at his brother. "Sorry, Kinro... I just have a way to be everyone's favorite" he said. I let out a sigh at what he said.

They're brothers... but their characters are the polar opposite. While Kinro is neat and discipline. Ginro on the other hand, he's scummy, lazy and easy to get scared. So different from one another.

"You're no where near my favorite. The task we're about to do will put your life at risk. You can really die on this mission" Senku said, with a dark smirk on his face. Ginro's face turns pale at what he just said.


Me, Senku, Ginro, Kohaku and Chrome are making our way towards the destination. I'm not sure what we are trying to get. But the way Senku described it yesterday, it's very dangerous.

Ginro is walking in front of us, but he's just goofing around. He's spinning around the spear. His action earns a scold from Senku. He stops what he's doing and turn to look at him.

"This spear also acts as a sensor... if the tips turns black..." Senku said. "If the tips turns black?" Ginro questioned. "You only have 0.1 seconds to run away. Any later than that... you'll be dead" Senku said. His words makes Ginro's face paled.

We make another stop by the small river. "There's no fish in this river at all" Chrome said. Senku nods his head. "We're in the right way" he said. I squat down next to Senku.

"I-It's okay... it hasn't turned black yet..." someone said. I turn my head and notice Ginro walking right behind us. Senku rushes towards him with an angry expression.

"What is the sensor doing at the back?!" Senku yell out. "You said I could die!! I got scared!!" He said. Kohaku offers to switch place with him, which he instantly refused. So we continue our way.


We eventually stops by a spring. The color is breath-taking. It's in the color of emerald green, at a few spots there's also blue.

"Wow... this is beautiful" I breathed out. I turn my head as Senku eyes the water with a serious gaze. Chrome notices his face too. "Why? Is this not the right one?" He said. Senku hums and shakes his head.

"No... it is. It's this green water that we're here to collect. But the geography bugs me. The poison gas that's from here, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide are heavier than air..." he said. I turn my head and notice Ginro walking towards the water.

"Get back, Ginro!!" I yelled out. Kohaku rushes to him and grabs him by his collar. She yanks him away from the water. Ginro froze for a few moment and starts yelling.

"Calm down Ginro! There's no one there!!" Kohaku said. But Ginro keeps screaming in fear as if he just seen something. I turn my head to look forward. The birds that have fallen into the water starts to melt.

"The wing is melting" I said, eyes wide open in fear. "Oh shit... just what's the deal with this spring?" Chrome said. Senku stands straight. "In my time, it was a chemical that served as the foundation for all kinds of chemical industry... Sulfuric Acid" he said, with a serious face. I turn to look at the water in front of me. This is what we need to collect? This surely will be a life and death mission.

*to be continued*

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