Chapter 25

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Previously on Chapter 24

What are we though? He only said that he loves me. But he haven't ask me to officially be his girlfriend. Hmm... I have to stop thinking about that for now. I need to focus on the task at hand. I'll have that talk with him after we return.

-Treasure Hunting-


We are now standing by the cave. Inside the cave is surprisingly warm. Senku leans down and dip his fingers into the water. I can hear a soft chuckle from him.

"The water is lukewarm. We can definitely expect to find some treasures in there" he said. We make our way further inside. Chrome and Senku walks in front of me, while Magma is walking behind me.

"Are you sure this is okay to bring Magma? What if he try to murder you. He's been wanting to be the village's chief" Chrome said, in a worried tone. "They won't know about our deaths. He can easily said we have an accident" I said. Senku turns to look at the two of us.

"Think about it... we desperately need his brute force to get the tungsten that we desperately need to make the cell phone. We don't have a choice. And we also have you, Y/N. You're just as agile and strong as that Gorilla sister of yours. That's why I chose you too" he said. I instantly know he meant Kohaku, because I only have two sisters. Ruri-Nee is too ladylike to be called a gorilla.

I let out a sigh and nod my head, knowing he's right. We do need this gemstone in order to make the cell phone. I glance over my shoulder. I can see Magma's face hardens. I wonder what's going on inside that mind of his.

"Stand back!" Senku suddenly said. We stop walking in an instant. "What is it, Senku?" Chrome said. He kneels down and grabs something from the ground. "It's mica. Which doesn't help our situation. Even though they're rocks. They're brittle enough to break with your fingers. Have a look... they're natural pit trap" Senku said, pointing his light upfront. I turn my head to see a lot of holes on the ground.

"Man... nature traps are so scary..." Chrome said. I nod my head in agreement. "If you fall into one... you can't get out?" Magma said. "Yeah... if you use a rope or a ladder, it'll cave in on you and bury you alive" Chrome said. Senku stands straight and out of no where, Magma lunges towards him and punch him in the gut.

As soon as Magma steps where Senku was a while ago, the ground instantly breaks. Senku quickly grab his hand with both of his. It's obvious that Senku is struggling to hold Magma.

"No, Senku! Let him go! Didn't you see that he was trying to push you in??" Chrome said. Senku didn't listen to him and keeps holding onto Magma's hand. I rushes towards him and grabs his torso, trying my best to help him pull Magma up.

"What are you doing, Y/N?! Let him go!! Oh God... Kohaku and Ruri gonna be furious with me" Chrome said, panicking. Magma starts talking about how he's the one who should be the village's chief because he's the strongest one.

I can feel the ground beneath us breaks, making all three of us fall inside the pit. I can hear Chrome yells out our names. We land at the bottom of the pit with a loud thud. I hit my head on the ground. I can feel my surrounding turning dark.


"Nii-Chan!! Look seashells! They're so pretty!" I said, while being carried in his arms. He chuckled at my excitement.

"You're right, ___. They are really pretty. You want them?" He asked. I grinned and nodded my head eagerly. He let out a chuckle and gently placed me down.

"Go on and collect some, ___" he said. He gently placed me down. I cheered happily. I turned around ran towards the beach side and started gathering the seashells.

"Nii-Chan look!!" I yelled out, holding up a beautiful shell in my hand. He smiled at me and nodded his head. "Beautiful, ___" he said. I grinned and let out a soft giggle.

End of Flashback

I slowly open my eyes. I can see Senku kneeling next to me, staring at me. "Are you okay, Y/N?" He asked. I just nod my head and sits up. I rub my head where it got hit during the fall.

"Is she okay, Senku?" Chrome said. Senku turn his head to look at Chrome. "Yeah, she's fine..." he said. "Oh... thank goodness. I thought I was going to get squashed by her sisters..." he said. I shake my head and let out a chuckle. I didn't know Chrome can be scared of Kohaku and Ruri-Nee.

Senku stands up and starts wandering around. I turn my head and notice Magma eyeing Senku with an annoyed face. "Will you stop wandering around?! You're annoying me!!" He yelled out. I kick his shin, making him turn to look at me.

"What was that for?!" He growled, angrily. I glare at him. "Shut up... if you keep yelling the walls going to cave in on us and bury us alive!" I said. Water starts dripping from above and land on Magma's head. He looks so annoyed as he turns his head to look up. I turn my head and notice Chrome holding a glass bottle, pouring some water into the pit we're in.

"Are you trying to annoy me?! I'll kill you!!" He yell at Chrome, making me kick his shin again. "Listen to Y/N. She's right about it. If you keep screaming the walls are going to cave in on us" Senku said. I turn to look at Chrome who's still pouring water.

"Care to explain what you're trying to do?" I asked. "If I fill this pit with water from the pond over there. You guys might be able to climb back out" he said. I hum softly at turn to look at Senku. I ignore Magma who's protesting that it's going to take forever to fill the pit hole.

"Actually, it wasn't that bad. Let science be the one to decide whether it'll work or not" Senku said. He starts to calculate, doing his usual pose. He smirks and turn to look at Chrome.

"If I tell you to craft something, do you think you can do it?" He asked. Chrome blinks his eyes and smirks at him. "Don't underestimate science user Chrome!" He said. Magma use his strength to throw the stuff to Chrome.

Chrome starts working while Senku and Magma have a chat. Water starts flowing from above us. I stare at it in awe. Water slowly starts filling the pit.

A While Later

I hug myself as I try my best to stay afloat, trying not to drown. I start shivering violently because the it's starting to get freezing cold here. I can see Senku shivering too.

Magma dive under the water and picks him up. He starts warning Senku if he ever show him something lame, he'll kill him. Then he throws Senku in the air. Magma turns to look at me and swims towards me, doing the same as well.

Chrome starts panicking when he notice me. He open his arm and starts going back and forth, to try and pin point where I'd be landing. Eventually, he manage to catch me.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" He said. I nod my head. "Y-Yeah... I-I-I'm fine. J-Just c-c-cold..." I stuttered out, struggling to talk properly. He just nod his head and stares at me worriedly, knowing I'm freezing.

We ended up setting up camp inside the cave. I wrap a blanket around my body, to try and get my body to warm up. Damn... I didn't expect it to be this cold. I am just so glad that we made it out alive.

"No! The worse case scenario would be... Magma, Y/N and I have to hold each other to preserve our body heats" Senku said. I cringed at what he said, while Magma and Chrome starts vomiting rainbow.

"Let's just be grateful that we made it out alive..." I said. The three of them nods their heads, agreeing with me. I wrap the blanket properly around me. I start to sneeze because of the cold, startling the three guys.

"Are you sure you're okay, Y/N?" Chrome said. He reaches over and gently places his hand against my forehead. His eyes starts to show worry. "This is bad... you're starting to get a little feverish" he said. I just hug my body tighter as I start to shiver violently. Why do I have to get sick at a time like this??

*to be continued*

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