Chapter 17- The Shido On a Rampage

Start from the beginning

Darren: Uh Miku please get yourself under control.

Shido: All right. Though, I'll kind of regret losing this power...

Darren: I never thought it would be that easy.

Shido: However, there's a condition!

Darren: I fucking jinxed it great.

Kaguya: What condition?!

Yuzuru: Interesting, let's hear it.

Shido: I made you all fall for me in order to seal your spirit powers. This time, you'll have to make me fall for you. But to be honest I already liked you guys as you are.

Darren: Shido, you sound like a fucking playboy right now.

Shido: Please shush. So to say "Make me fall for you" is a bit off the mark. Use whatever method you want to make my heart skip a beat. Enough that I can't wait to kiss you. Yeah?

Darren: Alright since the conditions have been set. Ima go train now.

Shido: Then let's get started... and begin our date.

Kotori: Our time limit is twelve o' clock we have until then to make his heart skip a beat.

Darren: Ima head off now.

I smirked slowly knowing that everything is going to plan.

I smirked slowly knowing that everything is going to plan

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Darren: (Those fools. They don't know that I was the one who wanted them to do this. Now I can do the second step of my plan. A new spirit would land soon I need her on my side).

While all of them went to discuss the battle plans for Shido. I headed over to a plains biome where a spatial quake started occurring.

Darren: Appear. You fools!!!

A spirit appeared from being summoned due to my shadow powers.

???: Who are you??

Darren: Gojo Satoru is all you need to know for now. May I know your name? 

???: I'm Yuko Drago. Pleased to meet you, Gojo Satoru.

Gojo: Pleased to meet you, Yuko. Aaah, seems like someone is here.

Shoto as I ordered appeared from behind the trees along with Hurwhiill roaring ever so loudly.

Darren: Yuko, go I'll hold them off.

I rushed towards Shoto and Hurwhiill who started roaring as I pretended to go unconscious after one swing from Hurwhiill's tail. Yuko then exploded her spirit powers and I finally identified it. It was the power of being able to read ahead of time. Shoto and Hurwhiill had difficulty defeating Yuko but due to her overusing her eyes. She passed out and I took the opportunity to steal her powers showing my true nature for the first time.

 She passed out and I took the opportunity to steal her powers showing my true nature for the first time

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Darren: Sorry Yuko, but I just needed your spirit powers.

Yuko: You betrayed me.

Darren: No I didn't as I was never on your side in the first place. I can't believe you were tricked.

Yuko: Fuck you.

After that she turned into astral dust. I placed my hand on my left eye as it means I was able to finally rewind and skip ahead of time but only for five seconds.

Darren: I knew making my way here was worth it. 

I returned back to the city as I watched Shido being swarmed by his girls and I was both shocked and a little bit jealous. I didn't let that affect my poker face though. But I need more soldiers if I were to fight against Asmodeus which would be soon.

Darren: (I guess a little break wouldn't hurt I wanna go sleep at Wiz's)

I walked towards Wiz's shop and wanted to sleep a little there, before seeing Wiz already sleeping there. I also carefully sneaked into the blanket and I stared at Wiz's sleeping face before also falling asleep. I woke up after a while and saw Wiz already attending the shop.

Wiz: Ah, Darren-Chan you woke up. Sorry for sleeping on work. You sleeping face looked really cute by the way.

Darren: *while blushing* I won't forgive you for sleeping during work times you know?? But since I also fell asleep I would allow it.

Wiz: thank you boss.

Darren: Hmmm, time to check on Shido I guess.

I looked at the hall with my eyes not averting from Shido while standing on top of Hurwhiill.

I looked at the hall with my eyes not averting from Shido while standing on top of Hurwhiill

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Darren: Strange, it seems like he's going to go on a rampage again. It would certainly be interesting if he did. It would cause chaos.

The moment I said that, Shido started clutching his head in pain and burst through the window. I smiled the moment he did so.


Shoto immediately appeared behind me and bowed at me.

Shoto: Yes my liege??

Darren: Go and find Kurumi. Hold her off as much as you can.

Shoto: I understand my liege.

I smirked knowing that my perfect shot to cause chaos is right in front of me yet I didn't want to exactly see Shido go on a rampage.

Darren: Shoto, I retract my order return.

Shoto: Yes, my lord.

I watched everyone try to help Shido and my heart pained again when I watched Kurumi save Shido by trapping him in her time restraint. I guess this is out of my pay grade but I decided to troll them a little.

Darren: Eyes of ruin.

I destroy Shido's time restraint and allowed him to go on a rampage again. Kurumi simply looked at the jet black dragon and not the figure that sat on the dragon's back. I just smirked at her.

Darren: I guess my fun is over

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Darren: I guess my fun is over. Hurwhiill let's get out of here.

Hurwhiill nodded in return and we flew off knowing what we will perform next. As the next act of the chaos stage I have set for everyone.

Darren: I might need a new general. All my generals are getting weak.

Season 3 of DAL lore is finally over. Now OG Arc, will begin next chapter.

The Monarch In Date A Live (Kurumi X OC X Harem) (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now