Chapter 15- Finally Saved and A New Power

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Kotori: Let's go over this once more. This world is a result of you time travelling using Kurumi's powers as well as Gojo also time travelling with you? To save Origami's parents who should've died five years ago. In order to rewrite the history that follows.

Gojo: You can say that and that's basically the gist of it.

Gojo was chewing on a piece of bread with toast while Kotori was eating her usual lollipop.

Kotori: I see... Also Gojo how did your looks change??

Gojo: This isn't important. Right now, what it's important is we find out why even though we changed history. Origami is still an inverse.

Kotori: Now, I know why you've been acting strange since yesterday.

Reine: However, Origami Tobiichi who shouldn't have inversed has done so in this world and exists no as devil.

Gojo: Can we get to the point please?? I wanna eat dinner already.

Kotori: Stop whining Gojo.

Gojo: Haah. Whatever you say boss girl.

Kotori seemed extremely pissed before Gojo retracted his words.

Gojo: Fine, fine. I'm sorry now can we please get on with the discussion??

Reine: I've analysed her encounter with Shin on the roof and it shows he's not lying. Origami Tobiichi hasn't the faintest idea she's a spirit.

Shido: But how can that? 

Reine: Shin, you and Gojo managed to change the world. But only you, Gojo and Kurumi has the knowledge, Correct?

Gojo: You can say that. But yeah.

Reine: As for Kurumi and Gojo, their powers brought this about, so those two are an exception. And, guessing from your situation, to retain knowledge of the original world, two conditions must be met. 

Reine: Being hit by Kurumi's Yod bet, and... having spirit powers flowing through oneself. With both of those combined, memory of the original world may be recovered.

Reine: Possibly. Origami was shot by Kurumi's Yod bet and went back in time. Thanks so Shido's world change she's lived a peaceful life. But when phantom showed up and gave her spirit powers... That's when she remembered it all.

Gojo: Excellent deduction, Reine-Sensei.

Reine: Though, as a self-defense mechanism, her memories were split in two. Essentially, there's  Origami who lives in peace, and the Spirit-Hunting Spirit, Devil.

I had a change of face for a quick second before gathering my composure and returned to my usual face.

Reine: As soon as Origami senses Spirit power, she loses control of her mind and memory... and she's awakened as an Inverse type...

Kotori: The theory works and it's consistent.

Gojo: One small problem though. Why didn't she target me since I'm also a spirit whose constantly releasing spirit powers?

Reine: That is the only thing we have no idea about.

Shido: If it's true, what can we do?

Kotori: As long as Origami is a spirit, there's only one thing or Ratatoskr to do.

Shido: Make her fall for me. 

Kotori: That's right. And seal her spirit powers.

Gojo rose his hand and started to say while swallowing his bread that he's been eating for the past 15 minutes.

The Monarch In Date A Live (Kurumi X OC X Harem) (Rewritten)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant