10. Autograph

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This chapter came from me without following the order of this saga of stories. You can skip it, as it doesn't affect the main plot.

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For Lupin that was like breathing, on the other hand, the situation with the rest of his friends was very different.

They looked around in shock, examining the display cases with mundane objects, asking about the "talking box" where they transmitted music or "the black and white picture box".

For wizards in the Muggle world, it was all about boxes.

Each had a Genesis concert ticket in his or her possession. Outside the imposing stadium, the four fourteen-year-old boys approached to see a large mass of people crowded at the entrance. James shivered with excitement and Sirius took one look at the girls in bell-bottoms, crop tops and impressive perms.

It was like discovering a whole new world. Lupin, meanwhile, raised with a Muggle mother in every sense of the word, remembered the time when Hope would take him to various craft festivals or to the fair on Saturday; the ratio of people was not too different.

They lined up in the very long line and, in less than half an hour, entered the stadium. Inside the stadium, they realized that the half thousand people could fit perfectly, without the need for an enlargement spell. The boys bought snacks, such as popcorn and sugary soft drinks— Peter has since fallen in love with Coca-Cola— and waited patiently for the concert to begin.

Suddenly there was a loud bang behind them, and they all turned around, realizing that it was part of the opening show. James opened his mouth, seeing how some mechanisms were doing the job. The music suddenly started, and from then on, the whole atmosphere was immersed in Muggle magic.

They jumped to the beat of the music. The strangers became friends, and the entire stadium became a feast of lights of all colors. They moved to the drums and shook their limbs without fear of anything.

Lupin forgot his wolfish worries, Sirius managed to make his family problems disappear, James stopped thinking about his eternal rivalry with Snape and his Platonic love for Lily, and Peter could be himself for a moment.

For a moment they were happy wretches.

They watched the performers disappear from the stage and the four of them walked out along with the crowd. As Lupin took it upon himself to buy what goods he could, with the money Sirius exchanged for Muggle money, the other three looked at each other with a mischievous expression, just after seeing a door ajar.

They ventured inside to discover what was hidden in there, finding a long corridor that crossed the stadium, they continued to move forward, despite Peter's incipient doubts. Until they reached a door at the end of it all; it was Genesis' dressing room. The trio nodded, intoxicated with adrenaline, and James hurried to knock on the door.

The group was resting, and the manager looked at them in surprise.

"How did you kid get in here?!"

"AMAZING!" Sirius exclaimed, entering the dressing room as if he were a member of the band. "Can I get an autograph!"

"I WANT ONE TOO!" James joined him, pulling a notebook out of his backpack behind sheets of parchment.

The members shrugged their shoulders and began signing what the boys handed them. "Come on Peter, snap out of it!"

"I'm Peter too" said the vocalist, taking the notebook from the boy, whose eyes sparkled with excitement "for my double..."

After that session, the boys left with smiles on their faces. It wasn't until halfway down the road, that Sirius stopped and turned around, James looked at him strangely and together with Peter they waited standing still.

He returned, shirtless, spreading the white shirt high in the air.

"To the world's greatest Moony" Signed by all the band members, written clearly in black marker.

"I didn't have any sheets left! But I think he's going to like it."

"Fuck, if I were Lupin, I'd be crazy about you already!" James joked, examining the shirt "This is amazing! Best night of my life."

Filled with product, Lupin looked around for his friends, questioning whether they were playing some kind of prank on him, the moment he saw them walk out that door, Lupin went straight to reprimand them.

But his attitude suddenly changed when Sirius handed him the T-shirt, after Lupin had asked him about its absence. He looked at it and, without thinking about it at all, put it on. It smelled of Sirius's expensive perfume mixed with the strong scent of the black marker, though it was a bit small on him, since if he raised his arms, his navel was exposed, yet he appreciated the gift so much, that those details were irrelevant.

So, with her heart bombarding with happiness, he kissed Sirius, throwing the rest of the products on the floor. James and Peter were petrified and even more so after seeing how the gesture was reciprocated, with the same initial passion.

Sirius broke away and then shrugged toward James:

"So, it looks like he's already crazy about me."

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The Wolfstar is one of my favorite otp, I find them adorable.

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