074. cartoon deaths

Start from the beginning

"Why did you kill your husband?!" He slams his hands on the table. All of the other four people jump.

"Agent Stills. A word, please." Dean says, the two walking a short distance away.

"Please, forgive my partner." Sam sits next to Larissa. "He's, uh-- he's going through some stuff." He says. "What he was trying to ask is... is there any way Gary might have had secrets? Something he was hiding?"

"Hiding? Like what?" Ms. Freling asks.

There's a knock on the door, the person letting themselves in.

"Deb?" Olivia calls, walking in with a casserole.

"Olivia." Deb says.

"Hey." The two hug, both crying. "Are you okay?"

"As in mistress Olivia?" Dean quietly asks.

"This is awkward." Cas says.

"I'm sorry. W-What did you think Gary was hiding?" Deb asks.

"That he was sleeping with her." Cas points to Olivia.

"I know." Deb says.

"You know?" Sam and Larissa ask.

"Gary and I, we... had an arrangement. He was seeing Olivia and I was spending some time with our neighbor P.J." Deb explains.

"I'll, uh-- I'll put this in the kitchen." Olivia says.

"I'll help." Deb says, the two women walking off.

"Fucking suburbs, man." Dean says.

"So she's not a witch." Cas says.

"Just the best wife ever." Dean says.

"Then what killed her husband?" Cas asks.


They're on the top of a roof where the last crime scene was.

"Looks like suicide." Sam comments.

"It was. Guy left a note. He invested everything in Roman Industries and lost it all when they crashed and burned last year." Detective Glass says.

"So why call us?" Dean asks.

"Because I have two witnesses who swear that Madoff here floated in midair for a good 10 seconds, then he looked down, and splat. Not sure I buy that, but the way they're talking, it sounds like something straight out of a--"

"Cartoon." Dean says.

"Hey, detective." A voice calls.

"You said you wanted weird." Detective Glass says.

"Thanks." Dean says and the detective walks away as Cas walks over to the three.

"She's right, you know. I mean, the whole heart jumping out of the guy's chest, the-the-- the delayed fall, that's straight up Bugs Bunny." Dean says.

"So we're looking for some sort of insect rabbit hybrid? How do we kill it?" Cas asks.

"No, we don't, Cas. That's a character, like, uh-- like Woody Woodpecker or Daffy Duck." Sam says.

"Don't think he knows those two either." Larissa quietly says.

"They're little animated movies. You know, uh, the coyote chases a roadrunner, and then the--" Dean laughs. "The anvil gets dropped on his head." Larissa slightly laughs as she remembers watching cartoons any time she could as a kid. Her hand rests on her stomach as she realizes she'll get to be able to show her baby the same cartoons soon.

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