Saving June

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The night had come alive with nightwalkers, gamblers and even drunks roaming through the bustling illuminated streets. The bars grew larger with customers and the roads grew even more crowded with people seeking the nightly thrill.

Stuart heaved a deep sigh and opened his eyes. He stood before the lit blue sign that read, Gayle’s Bar. He pushed the glass door open and walked in. He sat by the bar and called out to the bartender. He ordered for a beer and relaxed into his seat. His order arrived cold and overflowing with beer froth.

Stuart noticed the lady sitting by the other side of the bar, sipping her drink and staring into her phone. He noticed a young man walk up to her, trying to get her attention. She brushed him off but he remained relentless. Stuart grabbed his beer and walked over to the lady.

“She’s not interested.” He uttered, taking the man by surprise. “Try someone else.”

The man backed away. “Whatever, dude.”

He drew a stool closer and sat next to the lady. “I do hope you could give a chance though.”
She smiled and turned her attention to the bartender attending to some other customer.

“I’m Stuart. You?”


Stuart chuckled. “Thanks for the chance.”

“Nothing is guaranteed yet.” June replied.

“What’s a pretty lady like you doing out here alone in a bar?”

June scowled. “What rule says that a lady can’t drink alone in a bar?”

Stuart smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I’m just trying to impress you.”

“Well, you’re not exactly—”

“Crushing it. I know.” Stuart cut her off.

June chortled lightly and turned away.

“I guess I’m getting there.” Stuart remarked. “I just managed to force a smile out of you.”

“You know what?” June began. “Let’s get something to eat. And you’re paying.”


The couple exited the bar and headed down the sidewalk towards the burger vendor at the other side of the road. They got to the end of the curb and stopped, waiting to cross the road to the other side.

A guy was walking towards the couple with his head down, probably lost in his thoughts. He bumped into Stuart– almost knocking him down.

“I’m sorry, man. I didn’t see you there.” The pedestrian apologized.

A horn blared. Stuart turned towards the highway to find June in the middle of the road, trying to cross over.

“Shit!” Stuart barked. “June, wait.”

An incoming truck rammed into June– knocking her a few feet away onto the asphalt. Screams erupted and Stuart stood there staring at the blood and organs that had now smeared the road.

“Not this again.” Stuart uttered as he turned and headed back towards the bar while concerned pedestrians rushed towards the body.

Stuart pulled out a pill bottle, popped it and picked out a neon-purple capsule. He threw it into his mouth and chewed. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes.

When his eyes flung open, he found himself standing before the lit blue sign that read, Gayle’s Bar. He heaved a deep sigh, pushed the door open and walked in. He quickly caught sight of June sitting at the far side of the counter. He settled into a stool, ordered for a beer and stared at June, waiting for the guy who had initially bothered her. Once the guy appeared, Stuart marched over there again with boyish confidence.

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