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"Remember kid... don't go for the middle unless you know you can be the first." Mr. D's words echo in my brain as I dive into the water knowing no one else here can beat me in the water. My mom always said I learned how to swim before I leaned to walk. School held events to win food or supplies, no one could hold a candle to me in the swimming event.

I reach the rocky island and climb up, of course I'm first to the cornucopia and I have my pick at supplies. I grab a sword and a backpack with stuff rattling inside. I look out to the water, I see people still swimming to the center, a few swimming away, and some fighting in the water.

I spot an area on the beach that's empty and no one going near, I start to run to dive in the water. A face pops up where I'm gonna jump at. Blonde hair blue eyes, with a look like he's better than everyone. I run and use his face as a launching pad hisnose crunching under my foot, and i dive into the water.

In no time I make it to the beach, an arrow whistles at me I just manage to deflect it with my sword, and I fall to my back in the sand. A big Asian man readies another arrow and fires, I barely row out off the way. He charges at me and slams his foot down on my chest, he slowly knocks an arrow and aims it at my face.

I desperately search the sand for my weapon, Annabeth's face and laugh flash through my brain. My hand lands on a used arrow, and I stab his heel with it, he crumbles to the ground. Fighting for my breath to come back, I manage to pick my sword back up and I stand over him.

Fear in his eyes, paralyzed by fear. "Please...no..." he begs, his voice shaky.

"I'm... sorry." I drive my sword down into his chest. The crunch from my blade splitting the bones in his chest trough to his spine. The light from his eyes escape and his breath rattles to a stop. I pull my sword out of him, blood dripping from the blade.

"Fr...Frank..." a voice cracks from behind me, I turn around quickly. A girl, dark eyes, and caramel hair.

I slowly step away from the guy I killed, the girl kneels next to him. A small guy, dark skinned and black and curly hair runs up to her and throws something at her. It splashes and covers her with some sort of liquid.

With a crazy smile he lights a match and tosses it. The girl burst into flames, she wails and ear-piercing scream while running around engulfed in flames, and finally collapses into a burning pile of blackened flesh. The boy looks at me and scurries off to the tree line.

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