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                The door opens to Mr. D's room, he's asleep on his bed, his room trashed, and bottles scattered around. His snoring vibrated the windows. I manage to find a newly open bottle of vodka and grab it. As I sneak out I accidently kicked a bottle on the ground, and it rattles across the room.

"Huh... Hwiaotnt..." Mr. D snorts and passes out again. Jason and Grover wave to me trough the door silently. I hurry out and hold up the prize.

"Awesome!" Grover says loudly and Will slaps his hand over his mouth, and we stand there in silence waiting to see if we were busted.

"Lets go up to the roof." Jason whispers and we nod in agreement.

We take the elevator and the door open and the cool night air washes over me.

"I didn't know this existed." I say shocked.

"Yeah they made it for the tributes." Will says.

Benches scattered around and planters with exotic plants in them. A low railing on the edges of the building.

"What if a tribute didn't want to be a tribute?" I grab the railing and look over the edge.

Jason hops on the railing and balances. "You mean jump...like this?" he leans forward and falls off the railing, but he catches himself leaning against air. "They have a force field here. This place may be fancy, but its just a prison." He presses his forehead against the force field and looks down.

I hop up and nervously do the same. Soon the other guys follow. The ground looks so far down, people walking in the streets partying for the upcoming games look like ants. The music managing to reach us.

"One training day left... then the evaluation." Will says glumly.

"Then the Apollo show..." Grover continues.

"Then the games." Nico says.

"Huh?" we look over. "When did you get here Nico?" I ask.

"I was here before you guys, you just didn't see me." he shrugs.

"Ah... sorry." I say.

"It's ok, I'm used to being invisible to others." He says staring down at the streets below.

"Hey, we came up here to get drunk and mess around... Do you wanna join us?" I ask him.

He looks over and sees Will. "Yeah."

We open the bottle and pass it around. Getting drunk and laughing trying to forget our impending doom.

"Aw man!" I slur. "The bottles empty!" I throw it and it over the railing and bounces back and shatters at my feet. "Oh."

Grover is passed out in a bush.

"Hey where Will?" Jason asks slurring. We start look and find Will and Nico making out in a dark corner. Jason holds his finger over his mouth and laughs quietly. "Ill make sure Grover gets back you go on back to your wife." He pats my shoulders.

I stumble my way back to our floor, and open the door to my room.

"Percy?" Annabeth lifts her head up from bed and turns on a light.

"I didn't mean to wake you." I struggle taking my shoes off. She sits up and look at me with a worried and terrified look. "What?" I ask.

"I'm pregnant."

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